Page 19 - Marilyn
P. 19

Did you say Puce?

                                                                                       By Robert Tussey

       When did I miss the color chart class?  Was there a      PLOPPING!  This was absurd.   Men plop.
       place in my past where I could’ve learned to differenti-  We reached agreements and compromises and had a great
       ate between the shades of maroon and puce?  Is it        life…   for a while.  The excitement of moving to a larger
       possible that men have a deficiency when it comes to     house blinded me to what I would face in fixing up the new
       the nuance of color?  The answers are no, no, and yes.    house.  Oh lord, there were so many new colors by that point
                                                                I began to believe there was a conspiracy to eliminate men
       Mea Culpa.  I thought the three primary colors and a     from any reasonable involvement in the look of their castle.
       few variations were enough.                              I steadfastly held to my notion that my involvement was
       The wake up call came on my wedding day.  My new bride   necessary to be a good and caring husband.  My consolation
       informed me that her gown was not light beige as I had   was that I still had the garage. They created the word ‘naïve’
       opined, it was…ecru (?).  I should’ve known my learning   for men.
       curve would be steeper than Ralph Nader’s chances in any   Pumpkin is for pies not walls!  Sea Mist is what fogs my
       election.  I just didn’t understand that the higher I climbed on   glasses when I’m standing on Leffingwell Point in Cambria,
       that curve the thinner the air got!                      not a color.  Chocolate Chip is a cookie!!!!!  When will it end?
       In my zeal to be an involved husband I informed my wife that   I swear I have half of my pantry on my walls.
       I wanted to be involved in the decorating process.  I thought,    The upside to all of this is I can tell if there is a
                                                                          hint of yellow or a blush of rose in a paint chip.  I
                                                                          actually SOUND intelligent as my wife nods in
                                                                          agreement.  She has trained me well.  Clerks in
                                                                          stores have whispered ‘you’re so lucky to have
                                                                          a husband who knows so much.’  Luck?  Men
                                                                          deserve college credit for venturing into such
                                                                          uncharted territory.  You think crossing the Great
                                                                          Divide was tough, try matching paint chips. Lest
                                                                          you (men) underestimate the validity of decorat-
                                                                          ing, let me point out a few things.  By now we   San Diego  Woman
                                                                          have all (hopefully) gotten past the Fung Shui
                                                                          period. Fung Shui is to decorating what disco was
                                                                          to music.  The headboard of my bed has never
                                                                          pointed east.  Fresh Tulips are cool but who can  19
                                                                          afford them.  And placing a fountain or bird bath
                                                                          in the front of the house to bring the calming
                                                                          (read:  good Karma) affect of water throughout
                                                                          the house on the prevailing winds smacks of sly
                                                                          marketing.  Okay, I fell for this one.  I thought it
                                                                          would be cool to watch little birdies splashing joy-
       the house is one thousand square feet, how difficult can this   fully through their daily bath.  Instead I got the neighbors cat,
       be?  Most men are not built to understand the concept of   “Zinger,” lapping up my Karma.
       flow between rooms and the absolute necessity of coordinat-
       ing it all.  Walls, curtains, baseboards, sheets and all bed-  Decorating is the primal right of the female.  It is DNA deep.
       ding,  furniture and knick knacks, and on and on and…    As football and burping is to men, decorating is a woman’s
       It was (initially) a lot of fun.  Lori and I would spend our week-  domain.  The few of us who have stepped past the DMZ and
       ends planning “the look” of the house.  Who knew there was   participated in the ritual have been better for it, but there is a
       such a difference between Linen and Things, and Bed, Bath,   price:  Our men friends cannot know what we do.  The beer
       and Beyond.  We carried paint chips and swatches of cloth   hall chiding and character assassination would be enough to
       everywhere we went.  At one point we added a small piece of   make us return the merit badges and say something crude
       carpet (actually three) to the menagerie and befuddled many   (while burping) to let our buddies know we’re still one of
       a server in restaurants with the array of goods where the   them.
       food was to be set.  This was an adventure you couldn’t book   Lastly, we men are only a guest on the train.  We must
       with a platinum American Express card.                   behave.  Watching Lori decorate (an all encompassing
       Over the course of a year and a half we compiled and     and expensive word) is like watching Swan Lake or seeing
       completed all of our projects and stood back to admire our   Shakespeare for the first time:  Complicated and confusing
       handywork.  It was stunning.  Then the rules:  No shoes.  No   along the way, but in the end, often exhilarating and ulti-
       eating in the living room.  No liquids for fear of spillage.  No   mately satisfying.  And, she’s got a guy that knows puce from
       plopping down on the couch after a hard day at work.  NO   chartreuse.  What more could you want.
                                                    May/June 2008
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