Page 15 - Marilyn
P. 15

The organizers also coor-
       dinated numerous events
       such as the Booby Relay, a
       Balloon Mammogram, and
       Capture the Polyp! These
       events not only give teams
       an opportunity for friendly
       competition, they also bring
       further awareness and
       education about cancer itself.
       Perhaps more importantly.
       The entire 24 hour event
       brings a sense of community
       to all those involved and
       contains an atmosphere
       of hope and togetherness.
       Seeing so many people give
       up their weekend to support
       the American Cancer Society
       and the fight against cancer
       is quite simply inspiring. As
       members walked around the
       track in the dark hours of the
       night, the glowing message
       of HOPE from the luminar-
       ias that were created on the
       stadium bleachers seemed
       to guard over the participants
       through the night and cre-
       ated a feeling of safety and
       unity. It reminds us that no
       matter what we are going
       through in our lives, we will                                                                                    San Diego
       always have the support and                                                                                        Woman
       love of our closest friends.

       Attending the Relay                                                                                           15
       for Life has given me
       new resolve to not let
       the little things pre-
       vent me from enjoy-
       ing the beautiful mo-
       ments of everyday
       life. Listening to the
       stories of people who
       are battling cancer or
       who have a loved one
       fighting the disease
       has made me real-
       ize that I should be
       extremely grateful for
       the health of myself,
       my family, and my friends. All of the speakers who shared their personal struggles relayed the
       same message over and over again to participants—enjoy every minute of life, and don’t wait for
       someone’s eulogy to tell them how much you love them. We only have one life, let’s enjoy every
       moment of it.

                                                    May/June 2008
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