Page 10 - Marilyn
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Chambers of Commerce


       BNI – Business Networking International
                                                               Chambers of Commerce are a great source for net-
       The largest networking organization in the world.  Offers   working your business.  Although, these are not pri-
       members the opportunity to share ideas, contacts and    marily “women’s organizations,” many chambers offer
       business referrals.  Has been in existence for 22 years.    a women’s arm of the chamber where women meet,
       Contact Mari Lyn Richardson at 760 5201122 about        usually monthly to network among themselves.  To find
       visiting a San Diego chapter.  Members are offered suc-  out more contact your local chamber for information.
       cess training programs on networking, advanced train-   The only local chamber that we have come across that
       ing on specific elements of business like the 60 second   publishes a women’s group is the San Diego North
       commercial or the 10 minute presentation.               Chamber of Commerce ( They
       Membership is limited to  only one person from each     have a  Women’s Wednesday Roundtable which is held
       professional specialty.  Attendance is critical. If you can-  monthly, and includes a guest speaker.  This is a great
       not attend a meeting, you may send a substitute. This   event to meet fellow female chamber members in a
       will not count as an absence.                           smaller group setting allowing more one on one interac-
                                                               tion.  Check with your local chamber to see if they offer
       There are one year and two year participation options.   women’s groups as well.
       See the Secretary/Treasurer of the chapter you visit for
       prices. If you apply to participate in BNI, your application
       will be reviewed by the chapter's membership commit-
 10    tee, and you will be notified of the status before the next

       LeTip International
       Website:                Team Women
       LeTip is the world’s largest privately owned professional
       business leads organization.  Chapters meet weekly to   Started in 2005 in Murietta, California.  More than 100
       exchange qualified leads, build business relationships,   chapters have opened since then and there are cur-
       develop strong presentation skills and become proficient   rently over 1000 members.  Each chapter is limited to
       networkers.  Only one representative from any given     30 members.  The cost for an annual membership is
       profession is accepted into a chapter and members are   249.00.  Only one representative per profession is al-
       chosen for their occupational expertise.                lowed in each chapter.  Your photo, bio, and website link
       contact your local chamber for information.  The only lo-  are placed on the Team Women International site.  For
       cal chamber that we have come across which publishes    additional information contact Judi Finnera at
       a women’s group is the San Diego North.                 760 639-2823

                                                  May/June 2008
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