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Jack Doxey formed Doxey Lisa K Miller
Photography by Lisa K
Robert Tussey Jennifer L. Sachs & Associates Inc in 1991. Lauren Narasky Lisa is the owner of Photogra-
It is a San Diego based
Robert Tussey has been a Jennifer is a freelance writer management and consul- Lauren is in the process of phy by Lisa K, a custom portrait
and dietitian at the University
published writer for over thirty of California San Diego Medi- tant company dedicated to obtaining her Bachelor's studio located in Rancho
years and has been providing cal Center. She has been pro- helping companies grow degree in Literatures in Penasquitos, specializing in
editing services for the past viding nutrition counseling to and change. English with a minor in the highest quality portraiture.
twenty-five. As a musician he people of all ages for nearly It has a combined experi- History at the University of As the mother of twins, Lisa
has written scores of songs. 10 years. She loves to travel ence of over sixty years in California, San Diego. She T shines at capturing moments in
His life has revolved around with her husband and when quality tools, process man- looks forward to entering pregnancy and early life. She
his music and writing, often at home, bike through San agement, organizational the publishing world in shares her talents with many
melding the two into articles Diego’s beautiful neighbor- change and instructional San Diego after gradua- HO local charities by volunteering
and interviews. design. tion this June. When not her photographic services.
hoods. In February of 2004, Jack writing or reading, she also
joined ranks with Dr. Kath- enjoys ballroom dancing, P
leen Jensen and Dr. Karla exploring San Diego, and
Jensen and formed The sipping a glass of wine from
Doxey & Jensen Group. her hometown of Napa,
Prior to owning his own California.
company, Jack was the
Training Manager in the
Quality Assurance depart-
ment of the Hewlett Packard
Janice O’Sullivan Deborah D. Lazear
Author and teacher of wine
Janice O’Sullivan is a San studies for over 15 years, Karen Kripalani
Diego fashion coordinator with Deborah’s background and Karen Kripalani’s adven-
Weekenders USA. Janice her Certified Specialist of Wine
is passionate about helping designation, makes her more Ashlee Ryan tures as a travel writer and San Diego
women with fashion solutions than just a “foodie” who loves Ashlee is a senior His- photographer have taken her Woman
all around the globe, from
that will help them look and wine! Having taught wine tory Major/Writing Minor
feel their best, while saving appreciation, wine and food at University of California, galloping camelback through
the desert to the pyramids of
time, money, and stress. pairing, and written curricu- San Diego. In addition to
Janice is also a wife, a busy lum for San Diego State U. enjoying writing, she is a Egypt, to living deep in the
rainforests of Borneo with a
mother of 3 boys, and works Business of Wine certificate Deanna Bates self-proclaimed grammar tribe of headhunters. She is a 5
full time as a licensed thera- program, she is no stranger Deanna has been an nerd who loves editing, not
pist in addition to her role as a to piquing people’s interest in educator in the San Diego only her work, but also that national television spokes-
person and representative for
fashion coordinator. exploring wine. area for over twenty years. of others. She also works She currently teaches third for The I AM Foundation, Canon Cameras and has done
janiceosullivan grade. a nonprofit that gifts books work for National Geographic’s
In midlife, she has returned to low income families, TV show “Taboo.”
to her first love - writing. and is a member of Chi For more info visit www.Karen-
She is working on a series
of poems and stories based Omega sorority. Ashlee
hopes to pursue a career in
on her life experiences.
Deanna resides with her either writing or one in the
nonprofit sector.
husband, teenage daughter,
and three very spoiled pets,
all of whom provide her with
endless writing inspiration!
Heidi Klippel
Heidi is an estate planning/
Jaime V. Habert corporate attorney. Heidi
Jaime is a music enthusiast founded the Law Offices of
whose favorite genres Heidi Klippel in 2003. Heidi
include jazz vocals, and began her legal career as a
classical crossover. She corporate attorney. Heidi is
has plans to pursue a a San Diego native. She at-
degree in journalism and tended the San Diego School
media. She is a freelance of Creative and Performing
writer, who takes every Arts. Heidi obtained her
opportunity to write about Bachelor’s degree in Political
the subject she loves. Science from the University of
Jaime resides with her San Diego (“USD”), graduat-
family in Rancho Bernardo, ing Magna Cum Laude. Heidi
California. obtained a Juris Doctorate de-
gree from California Western
School of Law. Laurie, Judith & Sonali
May/June 2008