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National Association of Women Business Owners                   Women President’s Organization
                Website:                          Website:

      Mission: “To promote, support, and educate women busi-    Chapters are limited to 20 members.  Each chapter has
      ness owners in achieving success.”                        a monthly meeting.  Requirement is to have sales of $2
      With more than 9000 members nationally NAWBO              million per year in annual revenue to be a member.  There
      traces its roots back to a small group of women in the    are additional levels of membership.  Platinum members
      Washington DC area who began meeting in 1974 to           must have $10 million in annual revenue, and Zenith
      discuss their experiences in running a business.  In      members are those with $50 million in annual revenue.
      1975, they incorporated as the National Association of    Only one member per business is permitted.  Women
      Women Business Owners and, in 1978, established their     Presidents’ Organization provides an opportunity for
      first chapters.  There are now about 90 chapters nation-  successful female business owners to have a sounding
      ally. “NAWBO is also represented in 40 countries across   board since sometimes it is lonely at the top.  By joining
      the world through its affiliation with Les Femmes Chefs   this organization women can find other women who have
      d' Enterprises Mondiales (World Association of Women      similar business problems.  The socializing aspect of this
      Entrepreneurs).”                                          group is important since most women business owners
      FEES:                                                     are too busy growing their businesses to build friendships,
      Established Business Owner                                so the relationship aspect is as important as the business
      A business owner who has been in business for more        aspect. The group often provides answers to tough busi-
      than two years. A regular voting category, members        ness dilemmas.  What better place to get information than
      receive all communications and publications, are eligible   from successful female business owners? WPO is  not a
      for all discounts and benefits, and are listed in the an-  networking group, the purpose of the group is for learn-
      nual national and local directories. Annual national dues   ing, support, love, friendship and problem solving.  Yearly
 8    $150.00+Annual chapter dues $150.00 TOTAL= $300.00        conferences are held to bring together members from
      Emerging Business Owner                                   across the country.
      A first time business owner (in business for two years or
      less). A non-voting category limited to two years, mem-
      bers receive all communications and publications, are
      eligible for all discounts and benefits, and are listed in
      the annual  national and local directories. Annual national
      dues $100.00+Annual chapter dues $100.00  TOTAL=
      Student Member
      An individual who is a student registered full time at a            The San Diego Women’s Network
      school or university who subscribes to the objectives of       Website:
      NAWBO and intends to start a business. A non-voting
      member who receives all communications and publica-       San Diego Women’s Network is a place for local San
      tions.  Annual national dues $100.00+Annual chapter       Diego Women to network and expand their business op-
      dues $75.00  TOTAL= $175.00                               portunities with other local businesswomen.  They host
      Supporting Member                                         monthly meetings to develop lasting relationships that will
      An individual (not a business owner) who subscribes to    contribute to helping local women overcome life’s chal-
      the objectives of NAWBO and wishes to lend support to     lenges, gain additional education and experience a sense
      NAWBO through membership. A non-voting member who         of personal achievement.  They also give back two an-
      receives all communications and publications.  Annual     nual scholarships to select women attending a San Diego
      national dues $150.00+Annual chapter dues $500.00         community college.
      TOTAL= $650.00                                            To aid in the education of young women, SDWN offers
                                                                student rates and sponsors high school and college
      For questions about application process, women should     students to attend monthly meetings so they can gain
      contact Claudia Klaus (SD Chapter President) or Kelli     professional experience.
      Adame, at (877) TO-NAWBO or                               Initial annual membership = $100, renewal = $85                                  Contact info: P.O. Box 927208
                                                                San Diego, California 92192-7208

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