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2008 SD Woman  4/28/08  3:52 PM  Page 1

                 A woman owned business...
 San Diego

             for COMPETITIVE PRICING
             and the PRODUCT YOU NEED
             with the SERVICE YOU DESERVE!

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                             • Invitations  • Flyers
                             • Door Hangers • Rack Cards                          This recipe has been on the menu
                                                                                  at Busalacchi’s On Fifth since they
                              Custom  Jobs  -  Our  Specialty!                    opened 21 years ago.  There are now
                            858-566-0866                                          7 great Busalacchi Restaurants to
                                                choose from in San Diego.  Now you
                                                                                  can bring a bit of Busalacchi’s home
                             Offering quality & reliability since 1980
                                                                                  with this signature recipe.
               (Near Hwy. 15 & Miramar Rd.)  Fax 858-566-0436
               9880 Via Pasar, Suite C  •  San Diego, CA 92126

                                                                    "Pollo Alla Chef"                                   San Diego

                                                                     Ingredients:                                         Woman
                                                                    2-6 ounce chicken breasts
                                                                    2 tablespoons butter
                                                                    2 thin slices Prosciutto ham                      13
                                                                    2 slices eggplant, fried
                                                                    6 slices mozzarella cheese
                                                                    2 teaspoons lemon juice
                                                                    4 tablespoons chicken stock
                                                                    2 cups heavy cream
                                                                    Parmesan cheese

                                                                    Place chicken breasts between 2 pieces of plastic
                                                                    wrap and pound flat. Melt butter in a saute pan and
                                                                    dredge chicken in flour. Brown on both sides. Then
                                                                    layer chicken with Prosciutto ham, eggplant, and moz-
                                                                    zarella. Add to the pan chicken stock, heavy cream,
                                                                    and lemon juice. Saute on medium heat for 5 minutes.
                                                                    Finish by sprinkling the top with Parmesan cheese
                                                                    and bake at 400 degrees for 2 minutes to completely
                                                                    melt the cheeses.
                                                                    Serves: 2

                                                                    This recipe is just one of many tasty choices which
                                                                    will be in the Busalacchi’s upcoming cookbook. Visit
                                                                    our website for
                                                                    more information.

                                                  May/June 2008
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