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Membership dues are $44.00 yearly, although there are     YWCA is the oldest and largest women’s organization in
        different levels of involvement and membership.  Club     the US.  The YWCA of San Diego County was created in
        administration, projects, and programs are financed by    1907.
        club level fees.  Each region also can set its own dues   Mission: Strives to create opportunities for women’s
        based on regional activities and projects.  Meeting times   growth, leadership, and power in order to attain a com-
        and locations are all determined by each individual club.   mon vision: peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all
        You can also contact Communications Director Jessica      people. To thrust its collective power toward the elimi-
        Levinson at                       nation of racism, wherever it exists, and by any means
                                                                  Throughout the world there are YMCAs in 122 countries
                                                                  serving 25 million women and their families. In the United
                                                                  States  there are nearly 300 YWCA associations at over
                                                                  1,300 sites serving almost 2 million members and partici-
                                                                  pants. There is 1 chapter in San Diego which services the
                                                                  entire county.
                                                                  San Diego’s  YWCA tackles domestic violence and
                                                                  homelessness and provides legal services and counsel-
        The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc      ing. There are no fees at the YMCA San Diego.  It is no
        (AJLI)                                                    longer a membership organization, but donations are
        Website: Local site: jlsdca@sbc-      encouraged and welcomed.  For more information, con-                                                tact Melanie D. Seales at 619-239-0355, ext 218
        Mission: “promoting voluntarism, developing the poten-
        tial of women, and improving communities through the
        effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its
        purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.”
        Founded in 1901 by a 19 year old NYC debutante, Mary
        Harriman.  Her intent was to improve health, nutrition,
        and literacy among New York City immigrants.  Eleanor
        Roosevelt became a member of this chapter in 1903.
        The second Junior League formed in 1907. During World
        War I, Junior Leagues played an active role, selling
        bonds and working in Army hospitals. The San Fran-                                                             San Diego
        cisco Junior League formed a motor delivery service that   American Association of University Women (AAUW)        Woman
        served as a model for the nationwide Red Cross Motor               Website:
        Corps.  Today, there are over 170,000 Junior League       Founded in 1911, AAUW San Diego is the original
        members; 293 Junior Leagues in US, Canada, Mexico,        “mother” AAUW organization in San Diego. Membership   7
        and UK.                                                   in AAUW San Diego is open to all graduates who hold an
        To join SD chapter:                                       associate’s or higher degree from a regionally accredited
        The 9 month Provisional Member training program begins    college or university. In principle and in practice, AAUW
        each September.                                           values and seeks a diverse membership. There are no
        Application deadline = August 15, 2008 for the 2008-2009   barriers to full participation in AAUW San Diego on the
        Provisional year.                                         basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation,
        All women interested in learning more about becoming      national origin, disability or class.
        a member of the JLSD are invited to attend a prospec-     Main focus: “Education and equity for all women and
        tive member informational event.  Membership dues are     girls, lifelong education and positive societal change.”
        $150.00.                                                  Branch members pay national, state, and branch dues:
                                                                  Branch members national dues = $47
                                                                  San Diego members dues = $76
                                                                  State dues = $16
                                                                  Students: Undergraduates in two- or four-year regionally
                                                                  accredited educational institutions can join as branch stu-
                                                                  dent affiliates or student-affiliates-at-large; national dues
                                                                  are $17 per year (San Diego student fee = $41, state =
                                                                  Members receive:
        Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA)                A voice in government, the AAUW Outlook magazine,
        Website:    Local Website:           access to fellowships, grants, and awards, professional                               and educational support, and updates on research on
                                                                  issues that matter to women
        Founded in London in 1855 by Emma Robarts and              Membership application is online; SD branch number:
        Mrs. Arthur Kinnaird; introduced in the US in 1858 – the   (858) 586-1339
                                                       May/June 2008
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