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P. 107

BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
        The thrust of currency management of the  The total value of Coins in circulation increased
        Reserve Bank of India is to make available an  by 2.1 percent in 2020-21, while the total
        adequate quantity of clean notes in circulation.  volume increased by only 1.0 percent. As of
        The last year witnessed a higher-than-average  March 31, 2021, Coins of `1, `2, and `5 together
        increase in banknotes in circulation primarily  constituted 83.8 percent of the total volume of
        due to precautionary holding of cash by the  coins in circulation, while in value terms, these
        public during the COVID-19 pandemic and  denominations accounted for 77.6 percent.
        its prolonged continuance. The Reserve Bank     Coins in Circulation (End-March) – 2021
        continued its efforts toward upgrading the
        infrastructure for currency management. The    Denomination       Volume         Value
        following is the particulars of Currency Notes      (`)        (Pieces in lakh)  (`crore)
        Pieces and Value of Circulation in the Economy
                                                         Small coins      1,47,880       700
        are as follows:
        Bank Notes in Circulation (End-March) – 2021                       (12.0)        (2.6)
                                                             1            5,12,597       5,126
                             Volume        Value                           (41.7)       (19.1)
        Denomination (`)
                         (Pieces in Lakh)  (` Crore)
                                                             2            3,37,863       6,757
             2 and 5        1,11,728       4,307                           (27.5)       (25.1)
                              (9.0)         (0.2)            5            1,79,360       8,968
               10           2,93,681       29,368                          (14.6)       (33.4)
                             (23.6)         (1.0)           10            51,391         5,139
               20            90,579        18,116                          (4.2)        (19.1)
                              (7.3)         (0.6)           20              896          179
               50            87,524        43,762                          (0.1)         (0.7)
                              (7.0)         (1.5)          Total         12,29,988      26,870
              100           1,90,555      1,90,555
                             (15.3)         (6.7)      1. Figures in parentheses represent the percentage
              200            58,304       1,16,608       share in total volume/value. They may not add up to
                                                         100 due to the rounding-off of numbers.
                              (4.7)         (4.1)
                                                       2. Figures may not add up to the total due to the
              500           3,86,790     19,33,951
                                                         rounding-off of numbers.
                             (31.1)        (68.4)
             2,000           24,510       4,90,195                                    (Source: RBI)
                              (2.0)        (17.3)
                                                     Central Bank Digital Currencies-CBDC:
              Total         12,43,671    28,26,863
                                                         A CBDC is essentially electronic cash. It
        Note:                                            is similar to the traditional fiat currencies
          1. Figures in parentheses represent the percentage   which deliver the holders a direct claim
           share in total volume/value. They may not add up to   on the Central Bank and permits both
           100 due to the rounding-off of numbers.
          2. Figures may not add up to the total due to the   individuals and businesses to make
           rounding-off of numbers.                      transfers and Electronic Payments.
                                         (Source: RBI)

        The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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