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BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
        continuous changing behaviour of the people  the action and behaviour of others in desired
        consequent upon changes in internal and  direction through best utilization of human
        external environment. The persisting crisis one  resources and its values. Leadership uses
        after another due to technological revolution  emotional intelligence as a major process of
        with new innovation like artificial intelligence,  influence to understand not only own feelings
        internet of things, block chain technology,  and those of others and respond appropriately
        machine learning etc. has further opportune  while interacting with people. The leader
        changes in management thoughts for replacing  believes in right attitude, developing trust
        working and control pattern. The time ahead is  by demonstrating examples of concern,
        expected to be era of unprecedented disruption  commitment and proactive action for benefits
        amidst constant economic, technological  of all, innovative and ethical process and
        and demographic change where traditional  products which ignite people to contribute with
        management style of functioning will not  enthusiasm and involvement. They promote
        support all round development. The priority  a culture where respect among individuals a
        may be shifted, altered, and identification,  priority, openness and transparency are normal,
        recognition, storage and utilization of talent  constructive disagreement are tolerated, focus
        will be the core of the process to tackle the  on employees and their concern are well
        disruptive behaviour, disruptive environment.  taken, diversity and individual self-respect
                                                     are encouraged and ultimately the goals are
        Leadership is need of the hour -             set mutually to ensure all round development.
        The organizations are now a days over managed
                                                     Leadership is judged by one’s ability to deliver
        and under led where the power attached to the   in an adverse circumstance by liberating true
        position play major role in getting the work   human potential. They always show right
        done instead of opening the antenna of the   attitude which makes other believe in their
        power house of people to use their hidden    own strength and release of inner energy.
        potential. The awakening such of potential of
                                                     They inspire and build trust through a series
        every person requires leadership qualities not   of action that instil commitment on them and
        the managerial authority. Managing change    imprint a perception by which an individual’s
        is most important issue today in disruptive   organize and interpret their sensory impression
        environment where leadership influence better   in the desired direction.
        handle to overcome the situation whereas the
        managerial action may not overcome such  The Manager ship mostly have a tendency
        situation. The trend of the manager to get the  to exploit emotional and positional situation
        work done, is to direct, instruct and control  of people.
        through positional power which urges the  The employment relationship frameworks
        people with psychological fear of doing instead  for work output. The managers assume
        of doing voluntarily. While the manager may  that their positional power can be better
        derive satisfaction of immediate result but in  utilized considering employees weakness for
        long run it may lose its talent pool for effective  career growth, financial health, social status,
        result. Leadership is not about being elected or  marital life, achievements and rewards, and
        selected to occupy certain position or taking  other affiliation. However, for motivational
        charge of an organization. It is about a basket of  aspects, they add some spice and colour like
        qualities in action that ignite a spark directing  incentives, reward, recognition participation

        The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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