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BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10 Edition July 2022
at certain level, stock ownership plans, bonus a period of time that force the employees
etc. They have the tendency of close control to choose to find alternate opportunities or
and supervision and keeping a distance from demonstrate different behaviour. But the
the subordinates so as to avoid their weakness leadership believes in convincing the people to
in handling the disturbing elements. The understand their own strength, understand the
communication channel is opened rarely for internal and external environment, the changes
two-way communication keeping at least that can cause serious damage if not proactive
one side communication for better control steps taken, courage and risk matters when
although theoretically things look otherwise. supported and inspire to ignite their inner
Organization structure makes people for energy which can meet any challenges. They
manning various activities but for effective instil a sense in the mind of the people as if
delivery of output, the management process they are integral part of the great institution
follows some structured process and principles where working and are considered most
which becomes hard to deliver appropriately important like one side of a coin without a
at time of turmoil and crucial changing phase separate identity. Fear may result in short term
of business environment. It becomes less performance but it is always a losing tool in
productive to confront with unknown. They try long run.
to play the defensive and take only calculative Organization face is the reflection of its
risk in decision making for any new probability.
Remaining in comfort zone without seeing the beauty lying in its quality, quantity and
unseen do not add to innovation rather develop humanity of performance.
fear in taking adventure decision. The way it handles human resources, create
vision and mission, mobilize and utilize its
Individual differs in many ways which resources to deliver maximum for benefits of
create deviation from the rational model of all, demonstrates its brand and value which
working. Mostly managers look the things are founded by the degree to which one
uniformity to justify payment of wages for a organization are leveraging the leadership and
given job regardless of performance difference managerial ship or combined in achieving the
that affects the conducive industrial relation organizational goal. The organization which
whereas leaders use this differential factor to emphasis leadership development at every
their advantage by identifying the potentiality level of managerial hierarchy with manager
of the people in particular area and using ship process to the minimum can reflect the
that in respective field of creative skill for organization face as a beautiful and attractive
taking out maximum from those people. The in the developmental journey. Hence it is said
managers, to closely monitor their employees managers who develop leadership qualities
instil in their mind a fear that if they shirk can face any challenges and overcome any
their responsibility at any point, they would turbulent situation and bring success in every
lose their job or be punished. They believe that field of development.
without fear, people would do as they desire
and rarely work hard. They mostly prefer to
use the emotion of fear to motivate the people
in the directing behaviour of the people. But
fear factor generates stress and anger over
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