Page 34 - BFSI CHRONICLE 10 th Issue (2nd Annual Issue ) .indd
P. 34

BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
        of, retrieving or collecting such financial       Units of Infrastructure Investment Trusts
        information pertaining to its customer, as may
        be specified by the Bank from time to time;       Units of Real Estate Investment Trusts
        and consolidating, organizing and presenting      Any other information as may be
        such information to the customer or any other      specified by the Bank for these
        financial information user as may be specified     directions, from time to time
        by the Bank; Provided that, the financial
        information pertaining to the customer shall   Eligibility criteria to become account aggre-
        not be the property of the Account Aggregator,   gator
        and not be used in any other manner, for a fee    No entity other than a company shall
        or otherwise.”                                     undertake the business of an Account
        The financial information that the Account
        Aggregators will be dealing with are:           No company shall commence or carry on
                                                           the business of an Account Aggregator
        Bank deposits, including fixed deposit             without obtaining a certificate of
        accounts, savings deposit accounts, recurring      registration from the Bank. Provided that
        deposit accounts, and current deposit accounts,    entities being regulated by other financial
                                                           sector regulators and aggregating only
             Deposits with NBFCs
                                                           those accounts relating to the financial
             Structured Investment Product (SIP)          information pertaining to customers of
                                                           that particular sector will be excluded
             Commercial Paper (CP)
                                                           from the above registration requirement.
             Certificates of Deposit (CD)
                                                          Every company seeking registration
             Government Securities (Tradable)             with the Bank as an Account Aggregator
                                                           shall have a net owned fund of not less
             Equity Shares
                                                           than rupees two crores, or such higher
             Bonds                                        amount as the Bank may specify.
             Debentures                                Provided that those companies not
                                                           having a Net Owned Fund of a minimum
             Mutual Fund Units                            of Rupees two crore at the time of
             Exchange-Traded Funds                        seeking registration shall meet the Net
                                                           Owned Fund criteria within the period
             Indian Depository Receipts                   of validity of the in-principle approval
                                                           for grant of certification of registration
             CIS (Collective Investment Schemes)
                                                           given by the Bank.
                                                     Duties and responsibilities of Account
             Alternate Investment Funds (AIF) units
             Insurance Policies                          To provide services to a customer based
                                                           on the customer’s explicit consent.
             Balances under the National Pension
             System (NPS)

                                                                The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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