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P. 35

BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
             To ensure that the providing of services     with any information that it may come
             to a customer shall be backed by              to acquire from/ on behalf of a customer
             appropriate agreements/authorizations         without the customer’s explicit consent.
             between  the Account Aggregator,  the
                                                          In the event of any difference in
             customer, and the Financial information
             providers.                                    position of financial information in
                                                           the statement generated by/from the
             It shall not support transactions by         Account Aggregator and the books of
             customers.                                    the Financial information provider, the
                                                           position as reflected in the records of the
             To ensure appropriate mechanisms for         Financial information provider shall be
             proper customer identification.
                                                           considered as correct.
             It shall share information as referred   Stakeholders in Account aggregation
             to under paragraph 3(iv) only with the
                                                     Any supervised financial sector institution that
             customer to whom it relates or any other   offers financial services and products such as
             financial information user as authorized
                                                     banking, lending, asset management, and
             by the customer in accordance with the   insurance is classified as a financial information
             terms of the consent provided by the    provider (FIP).
                                                     An institution that is registered and supervised
             It shall not undertake any other business   by any of the financial sector regulators (across
             other than the business of account      banking, lending, financial planning and
             aggregator. Deployment of investible
                                                     investments, insurance and pension— the
             surplus by an  Account  Aggregator      Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Securities
             in instruments, not for trading, shall
                                                     Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Insurance
             however be permitted.
                                                     Regulatory and Development  Authority of
             No financial information of the customer  India (IRDAI), Pension Fund Regulatory and
             accessed by the Account Aggregator from  Development Authority (PFRDA) is considered
             the financial information providers shall  a financial information user (FIU). FIUs can
             reside with the Account Aggregator.     solicit consent from a user by providing details
                                                     of the data to be captured through an account
             To  not use the services of a third-party   aggregator identifier.
             service provider for undertaking the
             business of account aggregation.        Account aggregators (AAs) are entities that
                                                     facilitate structured financial data sharing from
             The Account Aggregator  shall  not
                                                     FIPs to FIUs while retaining a record of the
             access user authentication credentials   consent provided and offering the functionality
             of customers relating to accounts with   to manage and rescind consent
             various financial information providers.
                                                     How Account Aggregators will operate?
             Account Aggregator shall have a Citizen’s    The financial data related to the account will be
             Charter that explicitly guarantees
                                                     exchanged between the Financial Information
             protection of the rights of a customer.   Providers (FIP) and the Financial Information
             The Account Aggregator shall not part

        The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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