Page 47 - BFSI CHRONICLE 10 th Issue (2nd Annual Issue ) .indd
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BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
             b)  Principles for Fixed / Variable pay  These guidelines will be applicable for fixing
                Structures, and                      the Compensation Policy of Key Managerial
                                                     Personnel Non-Banking Financial Companies
             c)  Mauls / Clawback Provisions.
                                                     under the SBR framework, except those
        The Board of NBFCs should delineate the role of  categorized under ‘Base Layer’ and members
        various committees, including the Nomination  of Senior Management of all Government-
        and Remuneration Committee (NRC).            owned NBFCs.
        RBI Guidelines are intended only for providing  Role of NRC:
        broad guidance to NBFCs and their NRCs in  The Boards of all Non-Banking Financial
        formulating their Compensation Policy. While  Companies which are applicable will constitute
        formulating the Compensation Policy, NBFCs  a NRC (Nomination and Remuneration
        to be ensured that all statutory mandates and  Committee). The NRC shall have the
        the Rules and Directions issued under them are  Constitution, Powers, Functions, and Duties
        fully complied with.                         as laid down in section 178 of the Companies
                                                     Act, 2013.

                                                          The NRC, inter alia, shall also have the man-
                                                          date to oversee the:

                                                           Framing.

                                                           Review and

                                                           Implementation.

        Of the Compensation Policy of the Company  Directors on the Board of the Company, KMPs,
        which should have the approval of the board.   and Senior Management (‘Senior Management
                                                     is the same as defined in ‘Explanation’ to
        The NRC may work in close Co-ordination      Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013).
        with the Risk Management Committee (RMC)
        of the Company to achieve effective alignment  Principles for Compensation:
        between compensation and risks. Further, the   a) Components and Risk Alignment:
        NRC may ensure that Compensation Levels are        The Compensation of Key Managerial
        supported by the need to Retain Earnings of the    Personnel (KMPs: As defined in Section
        Company and the need to maintain Adequate          2 (51) of the Companies Act, 2013, as
        Capital Based on the “Internal Capital             amended from time to time.) and Senior
        Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP)”.              Management needs to be Reasonable,
                                                           recognizing all relevant factors including
        NRC may also ensure the ‘Fit and Proper’ status    adherence to Statutory requirements and
        of proposed / existing Directors and that there    Industry Practices. The Compensation
        is no conflict of interest in the Appointment of
                                                           Packages May Comprise Fixed and

        The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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