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BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022

        Indicator        Risk Threshold-1        Risk Threshold-2           Risk Threshold-3

        Leverage Ratio   2.5 times but <3 times   3 times but <3.5 times  3.5 times
        NNPA Ratio
                         >6% but  9%            >9% but 12%               >12%
        (including NPIs)
        Exit from PCA and Withdrawal of Restrictions  quarterly financial statements, one of which
        under PCA - Once a NBFC is placed under  should be Annual Audited Financial Statement
        PCA, taking the NBFC out of PCA Framework  (subject to assessment by RBI); and b) based on
        and/or withdrawal of restrictions imposed  Supervisory comfort of the RBI, including an
        under the PCA Framework will be considered:  assessment on sustainability of profitability of
        a) if no breaches in risk thresholds in any of the  the NBFC.
        parameters are observed as per four continuous  The menu of corrective actions is as below:

        Mandatory and Discretionary actions

        Specifi cations Mandatory actions                                  Discretionary actions

                     Restriction on dividend distribution/remittance of profi ts;
                                                                          Common menu
                     Promoters/shareholders to infuse equity and reduction in
        Risk         leverage;                                            Special Supervisory
        Threshold 1  Restriction on issue of guarantees or taking on other
                                                                          Strategy related
                     contingent liabilities on behalf of group companies (only for
                     CICs)                                                Governance related
                                                                          Capital related
        Risk         In addition to mandatory actions of Threshold 1,     Credit risk related
        Threshold 2  Restriction on branch expansion
                                                                          Market risk related
                                                                          HR related
                     In addition to mandatory actions of Threshold 1 & 2,  Profi tability related
        Risk         Appropriate restrictions on capital expenditure, other than for   Operations/Business
        Threshold 3  technological upgradation within Board approved limits  related
                     Restrictions/reduction in variable operating costs   Any other.

        Common Menu for Selection of Discretionary         and escrowing of cash inflows to meet
        Corrective Actions                                 deposit liabilities to protect the interest
                                                           of the depositors, investment activities

        Market risk related Actions -
             Restrictions on/reduction in borrowings   HR related Actions -
             from the debt market, extent of ALM         Restriction on staff expansion/staff
             mismatch, accepting/ renewing deposits        compensation & Review of specialized

                                                                The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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