Page 53 - BFSI CHRONICLE 10 th Issue (2nd Annual Issue ) .indd
P. 53

BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
             training needs of existing staff              achievable targets and set concrete
                                                           milestones for progress and achievement
        Special Supervisory Actions
                                                          Undertake business process
             Special Supervisory Monitoring               reengineering & restructuring of
             Meetings (SSMMs) at quarterly or other        operations as appropriate
             identified frequency
             Special inspections/targeted scrutiny of  Governance related Actions – RBI may
             the NBFC                                     actively engage with the NBFC’s
                                                           Board on various aspects as considered
             Cause a special audit/inspection of
             NBFC/Group entities by the extant             appropriate
             supervisory mechanism and/or through         recommend to promoters/shareholders
             external auditors                             to bring in new Management/ Board
             Restricted and need based regulatory/       remove managerial persons under the
             supervisory approvals to be given by the      RBI Act, as applicable
             Reserve Bank
                                                          supersede the Board under the RBI Act
             Resolution of NBFC by Amalgamation/          and appoint an Administrator
             Reconstruction/ Splitting (Section
             45MBA of RBI Act, 1934)                      require the NBFC to invoke claw back
                                                           clauses and other actions as available in
             File insolvency application under IBC        regulatory guidelines,
             (As per the rules dated November 15,
             2019 notified under section 239 of the       Removal of Director and/or appointment
             Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016          of another person as Director in his
             (31 of 2016))                                 place and impose other restrictions or
                                                           conditions & Impose restrictions on
             Show Cause Notice for cancellation of        Directors’ or Management compensation,
             CoR and winding up of the NBFC                as applicable.

        Strategy related Actions                     Credit risk related Actions
             Activate the Recovery Plan that has been      Preparation of time bound plan and
             duly approved by the Supervisor               commitment for reduction of stock of
                                                           NPAs & containing generation of fresh
             Undertake a detailed review of business
             model in terms of sustainability of the
             business model, profitability of business      Strengthening of loan review mechanism
             lines and activities, medium and long
             term viability, etc.                         Restrictions/reduction in total credit risk
                                                           weight density (example: restriction/
             Review short-term strategy focusing          reduction in credit for borrowers below
             on addressing immediate concerns &            certain rating grades, restriction/
             medium-term business plans, identify          reduction in unsecured exposures, etc.)

        The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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