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BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
             for directorship in a subsidiary, Key        Breaches in terms of covenants in respect
             Managerial Personnel shall not hold any       of loans availed by the NBFC or debt
             office (including directorships) in any       securities issued by the NBFC including
             other NBFC-ML or NBFC-UL. A timeline          incidence/s of default.
             of two years is provided with effect from
             October 01, 2022 to ensure compliance        Divergence in asset classification and
                                                           provisioning above a certain threshold
             with these norms. It is clarified that they
             can assume directorship in NBFC-BLs.          to be decided by the Reserve Bank.
                                                       g) Chief Compliance Offi cer – In order to
          e)   Independent Director – Within the
                                                           ensure an effective compliance culture,
             permissible limits in terms of Companies
             Act, 2013, an independent director shall      it is necessary to have an independent
                                                           compliance function and a strong
             not be on the Board of more than three
             NBFCs (NBFC-ML or NBFC-UL) at the             compliance risk management framework
             same time. Further, the Board of the          in NBFCs. NBFCs are, therefore, required
                                                           to appoint a Chief Compliance Officer
             NBFC shall ensure that there is no conflict
             arising out of their independent directors    (CCO), who should be sufficiently
                                                           senior in the organization hierarchy.
             being on the Board of another NBFC at
             the same time. A timeline of two years        NBFCs shall put in place a Board
             is provided with effect from October 01,      approved policy laying down the role
                                                           and responsibilities of the CCO with the
             2022 to ensure compliance with these
             norms. There shall be no restriction to       objective of promoting better compliance
                                                           culture in the organization.
             directorship on the Boards of NBFC-
             BLs, subject to applicable provisions of   h) Compensation guidelines - In order to
             Companies Act, 2013.                          address issues arising out of excessive
                                                           risk taking caused by misaligned
          f)   Disclosures - NBFCs shall, in addition
             to the existing regulatory disclosures,       compensation packages, it has been
             disclose the following in their Annual        decided that NBFCs shall put in place
                                                           a Board approved compensation policy.
             Financial Statements, with effect from
             March 31, 2023:                               The guidelines shall at the minimum
                                                           include, a) constitution of a Remuneration
             Corporate Governance report containing       Committee, b) principles for fixed/
             composition and category of directors,        variable pay structures, and c) malus/
             shareholding of non-executive directors,      claw back provisions. The Nomination
             etc.                                          and Remuneration Committee shall
                                                           ensure that there is no conflict of interest.
             Disclosure on modified opinion, if any,
             expressed by auditors, its impact on      i) Other Governance matters - NBFCs shall
             various financial items and views of          comply with the following:
             management on audit qualifications.
                                                       The Board shall delineate the role of
             Items of income and expenditure of           various committees (Audit Committee,
             exceptional nature.                           Nomination and Remuneration

                                                                The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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