Page 62 - BFSI CHRONICLE 10 th Issue (2nd Annual Issue ) .indd
P. 62

BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
        Transition of NBFCs to the Upper Layer -        c) NBFCs which are close to meeting the
                                                           parameters and benchmarks that would
          a)   Once an NBFC is categorized as NBFC-
             UL, it shall be subject to enhanced           render PCA Framework
             regulatory requirement, at least for a   Conclusion
             period of five years from its classification   The global economic recovery has been losing
             in the layer, even in case it does not meet   momentum in the second half of 2021 in the
             the parametric criteria in the subsequent   face of resurfacing COVID-19 infections, the
             year/s. In other words, it will be eligible   new variant Omicron, supply disruptions and
             to move out of the enhanced regulatory   bottlenecks, elevated inflationary levels and
             framework only if it does not meet      shifts in monetary policy stances and actions
             the criteria for classification for five   across advanced economies and emerging
             consecutive years.                      market economies. On the domestic front,
                                                     progress in vaccination has enabled the
          b)   NBFC-UL may however move out of the
             enhanced regulatory framework before    recovery to regain traction after the debilitating
                                                     second wave of the pandemic, notwithstanding
             the period of five years if the movement
             is on account of voluntary strategic    signs of slowing pace more recently; the
             move to readjust operations as per a    corporate sector is gaining strength and bank
             Board approved policy. This stipulation   credit growth is improving. The capital to risk-
             shall not apply if the scaling down of   weighted assets ratio (CRAR) of scheduled
                                                     commercial banks (SCBs) rose to a new peak
             operations is on account of adverse
             situations specific to the NBFC and its   of 16.6 per cent and their provisioning coverage
             deteriorating financial conditions.     ratio (PCR) stood at 68.1 per cent in September

                                                                The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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