Page 5 - Inaugural Newsletter
P. 5
Harlow, Navy Yard, D.C. Gallery Bethesda II
179 total units, 143 market 219 total units, 187 market and WE RECENTLY RETURNED FROM ATTENDANCE WAS HIGH at this year’s
and 36 public housing 32 MPDU THE AIM (APARTMENT INNOVATION VAMA Conference where the theme
Opened February 2019 Opened December 2018 AND MARKETING) CONFERENCE was People-Purpose-Passion. Sessions
Over 60% leased! Over 45% leased! where we learned about industry best such as “Like You, Like Me” led by Lisa
Grand opening event Grand opening event held practices and innovative marketing Troisen addressed the importance of
scheduled for June 2019 April 27, 2019 techniques for industry professionals. the first impression. Smiling, being
Hartman Design Group and Ron Solomon We connected with many of our polite, and using a comfortable, positive
amazing vendor partners and attended
tone are a few of the factors that help
BLVD CAPITAL PROPERTIES multiple sessions which provided a
positive forecast for marketing in obtaining a lease. In another session,
We are excited to Beeson Square Mifflin Estates Homewood House opportunities in our industry. IREM “You Are Not Your Job! Prevent Burnout
announce the 114 Pershing Court 503 B Drive 7130 Frankstown Ave for Work-Life Balance” led by Liesbet
acquisition of Uniontown, PA 15401 West Mifflin, PA 15122 Pittsburgh, PA 15208 REGIONAL LEADERSHIP Trappenburg, the idea of work/life
FIVE MORE BLVD Pershing Square Mount Vernon CONFERENCE is geared toward balance being a dynamic, values-based
Capital properties 209 W. 3rd Street 177 W. Main Street leaders within the IREM chapter state was presented. Core values,
to our portfolio! Greensburg, PA 15601 Uniontown, PA 15401 and those aspiring to become local, intuition, and authentic intentions guide
regional or national leaders. Some of
your priorities, increase your decision-
the conference’s activities included:
making skills, and contribute an
CELEBRATING... Examples include: • A group event with a body language effortless quality to your goals. Whereas,
expert who taught us what to look
time management, overanalysis and
• Google reviews’ influence on optimiz-
ing, gaining and keeping credibility. for when communicating with others. information overload only exacerbate
tions were made to celebrate a 30-year • WayBlazer’s Chairman Terry Jones • Panel Discussion on work stress and discontent.
resident, BLANCHE AMELIA WATKINS, environment, culture and talent
who turned 100 on March 5th. She discussed how to think and act like recruitment addressed some of the
strolled into her party, escorted by her a disrupter.
son, and dancing to her favorite salsa • Facebook is now being viewed as an challenges we face in the current
Edgewood was ranked 47th out of 50 on music. Juan Urgiles, Community Manager, ILS (internet Listing Service). market and the importance of
and Marina Ventura, Regional Property corporate culture.
NMHC’s 2019 Top 50 Apartment Managers • Lead attribution softwares are
Manager, presented Blanche with a
list. This is the fifth consecutive year gaining ground for measuring ROI in • Sessions centered around the
plaque from Montgomery County in
Edgewood has made the top 50! honor of her centennial. It was easy to the property management industry. power of storytelling in a business
see that being 21 with 79 years experience • Prospects taking unassisted property environment and how it helps to
The following communities is just the beginning of another chapter tours (without human interaction) is overcome objections, motivate teams
have been recognized in the life of Blanche Watkins. the wave of the future. and identify growth opportunities.
for their dedication to the BENITA SPENCER worked with Edge-
resident experience. wood and Vantage for 23 years before
Vantage-Edgewood Insite® Award retiring in March 2019. As the Accounts Be sure to join us at the 2019 Maintenance Summit on June 12th or 19th at Johns Hopkins University.
Winners: Receivable Supervisor, she helped many Leonard Smith
Gallery Bethesda of her coworkers and implemented Asst Community Manager
Queenstown training methods to better her entire Queenstown Apartments
Mt. Rainier, MD
The Overlook department. We were so happy to have IMPROVING PEOPLE’S LIVES CAMPAIGN
been able to work with Benita and
The Premier congratulate her on her well-deserved Congratulations to LEONARD SMITH for
Washington Apartments retirement. his winning title for the new Edgewood/ During the month of March, we caught our colleagues in the act of being .
Vantage newsletter. We are excited to
present this inaugural issue of... Since being assigned as the HUB APRIL has presented an TRACY has demonstrated herself as a
The following communities Compliance person, MELISSA has extreme value to my team as great support to the Regional Managers.
have been awarded Top expedited turn around time on file a leader and support to her She does an excellent job dealing with
Rated Communities on approvals and been a huge help in fellow managers. Not only has difficult residents on a day-to-day
Leonard’s suggestion was chosen from
Apartment Ratings for well over 100 employee submissions I would like to give a training and assisting staff with she assisted other properties basis and keeps me informed when
their success in creating an outstanding because we loved its dual meaning. The special “shout out” processing tax credit applications with their challenges and there is an urgent matter that should
issues, she has also been able
correctly. She has also visited the
be handled immediately to avoid
resident experience: homes we provide are what matter most to QUINNI GOMEZ. HUBs and been a great resource of to improve the performance of further issue. Tracy always maintains
to our residents, while simultaneously, the She is always willing
Capitol Park Plaza newsletter’s purpose is to share what’s to assist whenever knowledge and support to my staff. her property. She is a great a pleasant demeanor and is a great
Gallery Bethesda happening here at our home of Edgewood I ask even if it’s not I feel very fortunate to have her. leader and role model. ambassador for EMC/Vantage.
Marbury Plaza and Vantage. Leonard has been awarded for her portfolio.
Queenstown Apartments At The Oaks at Four Corners, a senior $250 for his stroke of genius! I have had Asset With very short notice, LISA was called upon to visit a portfolio of 5 new acquisition properties
The Premier community in Silver Spring, birthdays Managers telling in an area out of state. Even though she had numerous other ongoing projects, she made it
Washington Apartments are a big deal. In March, special prepara- me how awesome happen. Lisa optimized her time and concluded with a very thorough and detailed report
she is. Her recent outlining her observations and recommendations. She took on this project with vigor and
...OUR SUCCESSES! promotion is well delivered an outstanding proposed plan. A very noteworthy and supportive initiative
indeed —well done!!