Page 6 - Inaugural Newsletter
P. 6


       IN GOOD COMPANIES,                                                          feels their manager is more positive,
       MANAGERS MAKE A DIFFERENCE.                                                 aware and engaged in supporting
                                                                                   their people and their important daily
       The role of ‘manager’ is a pivotal one                                      contributions.
       to the overall employee experience.   class which all new managers take in
       Managers create culture, motivate and   their first month of employment. It
       inspire, and provide a valuable service
                                             provides learning through practice,
       to their team members. The L.E.A.D.   discussion of real scenarios, the
       (Leadrship Engagement for Account-    opportunity to share and grow from
       ability and Development) program was   all participants’ experiences, and even
       designed with the strength of our
                                             clips from popular movies and TV
       managers in mind. It is based on the   shows. L.E.A.D. leaves graduates
       premise that through the professional   with a host of reference materials,
       development of our leadership team,   resources and ‘tools’ to use in their
       we can enhance the experience of all                                        Jason with the April 2019 L.E.A.D. graduating class.
                                             role as manager.
       employees. The modules themselves                                           DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIFIC
       are intended to strengthen managers’   HOW DOES THIS IMPACT THE             SUCCESS STORIES?
       awareness, knowledge and capabilities   EMPLOYEES WHO TAKE THE              I often hear back from program
       throughout what Jason refers to as    TRAINING AS WELL AS THOSE             graduates that they felt more prepared
       “the Employee Lifecycle”.
                                             AFFECTED BY THE PRINCIPLES            when either interviewing to fill a vacant
       Q&A WITH JASON SALAMON                BEING TAUGHT?                         role on their team or sitting down
                                             My vision for this program is based on a   with and discussing a challenging
       HOW IS THE LEAD TRAINING              ‘pay it forward’ philosophy. The program   performance situation with an employee.
       DIFFERENT THAN OTHERS                 is designed to offer knowledge, skills,   Some say they now think differently
       YOU’VE PROVIDED?                      and experience, as well as explore    about their managerial role and are
       Edgewood & Vantage have offered       alternative perspectives and managerial   committed to being a positive,
       Managers Training for quite some time.   approaches. It is hoped that this focus   inspirational leader with an inclusive
       L.E.A.D. expands upon the one-day     will trickle down so that every employee   and service-oriented style.


        As Edgewood and Vantage continue to grow and evolve, so has the need for our
        increased online visibility, reputation and digital marketing. G5 became a preferred
        strategic marketing partner for Edgewood and Vantage in 2017 as we launched more
        than 120 websites over 18 months. The G5 team has continued to successfully provide
        our properties with best-in-class websites and high-performing digital campaigns, as
        well as optimization of GMB pages due to their Google partnership. G5 recently met
        with us at Gallery Bethesda II to review our 2019/20 marketing strategy, and we are   Left to right: Terez Lambert, Grace Woodworth,
                                                                                    Lorie Brown, Lisa Kish, Wendy Simpson, Devin
        excited to begin rolling out some new services and analytics reporting later this year.    McClintock, Courtney Lynn, Erica Toler

                                            GEARING UP FOR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION’S
                                            APARTMENT COMMUNITY EXCELLENCE (PACE) COMPETITION

                                            Year after year, Edgewood and Vantage communities have enrolled in PMA’s PACE
                                            competition, and year after year, we’ve secured numerous trophies. This year is no
                                            different. Our pumped-up teams united together at the April PEP Rally to strategize
                                            and prepare 20+ properties for a fierce crusade to sweep the judges off their feet. We
                                            enjoy the opportunity to compete as it helps with teambuilding, improving occupancy,
                                            and benchmarking excellence across our portfolio. Winners will be announced in
                                            October and their profiles will appear on both PMA’s website as well as the PACE awards
                                            website, Go teams—SHOW them what you’re made of!

                           Send your newsletter ideas and contributions to

                                              9711 Washingtonian Boulevard, Suite 200
                                                     Gaithersburg, MD 20878
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