Page 3 - HomeMatters Q3 2020
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THEIR FAMILIES. We were disappointed this year at our inability to host the annual
property scheduled to open in early and Vantage University (EVU) Day which is typically a full-day engagement of learning, 700+
December. This brand-new, 100% Maintenance Summit and Benefits Expo. The pandemic will also disrupt our Edgewood
affordable community leased up in THE IT DEPARTMENT’S THEME FOR 2020 HAS BEEN “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE DATA”!
record time—just under 3 months— growth, networking, culture-building and recognition, and is usually held in-person
To that end, we’ve been working on various projects—all of which aim to get more EMPLOYEES
in the middle of a pandemic and with regional property managers and community managers. Despite the challenges
with no tours or photos! Read accurate data into the hands of our team members more quickly and with less presented by the pandemic, our leadership team was unanimous—the EVU Day
the full story here: effort. We are driving to improve our efficiency and reduce the amount of time it experience is too important to miss and it will happen this year—virtually! The change IN 11 STATES takes to gather and report on various key aspects and metrics within our organization.
Ultimately we want to spend less time looking for and compiling information, or to a virtual format will allow us to expand the event in regard to both duration and
updating spreadsheets and spend more time on what really matters—our employees audience. It will now be a week-long event with participation opened to all employees. 2 KEYNOTE
and our residents! Here are a few of the things we’re working on:
Planned for early November, this year’s inaugural EVU Week will connect over 700 SPEAKERS
employees in 11 states. Sessions led by in-house speakers will include topics such as
EDGEWOOD ENTERPRISE DATABASE departments to implement a system
marketing and leasing, safety and accident prevention, recruiting and hiring, just to
Our new “single source of truth”, this which will allow Dashboard views of all name a few. We will also be joined by outside attorneys who will discuss the legal COUNTLESS
new system will help us realize the our key property operations metrics.
environment and the resulting impacts of a COVID world. A N D
long-envisioned goal of having one Drill-down capability to in-depth data TOPICS
place to go to for all of our back-office will be available all with just a few clicks
FENTON EVU Week will be an opportunity for celebration and recognition of our communities
of the mouse.
and our people whose incredible contributions create welcoming homes for tens of
Completed in November 2019, thousands of residents. We will highlight operational 1 GREAT
Fenton is brand new, certified green NEXUS INVOICES REALPAGE MOBILE FACILITIES BE SURE TO GET excellence, employee contributions and our unsung
and 100% affordable. No wonder This invoice processing and approval Our maintenance staff will be moving heroes. Finally, we will present our Core Value Awards OPPORTUNITY
they hit their 100% occupancy goal system will greatly improve our staff’s away from our existing paper-based YOUR CORPORATE SWAG! to celebrate those who live our mission every day to
this past August! efficiency as they will only need to process to a modern, tablet-based, Visit “help people improve their lives” and demonstrate FOR CELEBRATION think about coding invoices using a electronic service ticketing system. for 50% off and enjoy free our core values of honesty, trust, accountability and AND RECOGNITION!
modern web-site interface and submit- We are currently piloting this program shipping all week long. dependability.
ting them for approval. at several properties and will be rolling Sponsored by Geiger
it out across our entire portfolio
Targeted for launch in March 2021, we
SHARI HARLEY, author of the book How to Say Rachel Druckenmiller, an acclaimed speaker, founder
are working with Operations and other and CEO of Unmuted, will lead a five-part series called
Anything to Anyone, will speak about setting
expectations for powerful working relationships “I’m Still Standing: Hope & Growth in the Midst of Crisis”,
and providing tips and tricks to making any intended to build resilience so we can navigate these
MEET YOUR IT TEAM conversation easy. times of uncertainty while still feeling hopeful.
Mike Chang joined our Award winner constantly has a positive
ABRAMS HALL team in 2017 with the attitude and is a big reason we receive SPONSORING PARTNERS
high compliments for our customer
challenge of moderniz-
Abrams Hall, located in the Parks ing our IT operations service.
at Walter Reed Campus, is a newly and aligning our
renovated Senior Apartment technology with our We’d like to welcome
Community on stunning grounds company goals. One of Sara Villanueva, the
surrounded by beautiful nearby his main goals has been to transform newest member of our
parks. It’s home to a thriving social the IT team into a valuable asset, team. She comes to us SUPPORTING PARTNERS
community and it’s now 100% placing a strong focus on the user with a Master’s in Data
occupied. experience and making IT work for you. Analytics Engineering
from George Mason
Mario Pareja-Lecaros University and over 15 years of hands-
has been with us for on experience in information systems. PROGRAM PARTNERS PROGRAM SPONSORS GENERAL SPONSORS
over 20 years, working Geiger CRC Group Sanctus Action Fabricators & Erectors HD Supply
tirelessly to support We’d also like to thank Terrence Doles Integrity Systems The Hartford SatisFacts BBS&G Attorneys Rentgrata
our user base. Always for his 21+ years of service to Edgewood John Hancock Knock Sweeny’s Coastal Pension Services Rockville Printing & Graphics
willing to help with any and Vantage. We greatly appreciate all UKG Lorenger & Carnell Guernsey Scheffres Laundry Service
problem at any time, that he contributed to our teams and we Raine & Son, LLC
this 2018 Unsung Hero wish him well on his future endeavors. RealPage