Page 4 - HomeMatters Q3 2020
P. 4

ALLGOODSTUFF                                                               CONQUERING COVID

                                                                                    PARTNERING WITH RENTGRATA
        DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE                                                  Edgewood and Vantage have teamed
        Together with LinnellTaylor and other industry leaders, our VP              up with resident referral platform
        of Training and Operations, Jack Jones, joined an NAA panel to              RENTGRATA following a successful
        discuss diversity in leadership in the world of rental housing.             75-day pilot at five communities, during
        Watch it here:                  which an 18.3% lead-to-lease conversion
                                                                                    rate was seen, as well as benefits from a
                                        TRIESTE JONES                               reputation management perspective.
                                                                                    Read the full story here:
                                        Trieste Jones , Assistant Manager at Penn
                                        North Plaza, goes to work every morning
                                        ready to put a smile on residents’ faces.   EVP TERRENCE KELLEY KEEPS UP
                                        Recently, she crafted and prepared goodie   WITH UNIT TURNS
                                        bags for all 66 senior residents. Thank you   EVP Terrence Kelley reports that
                                        Trieste, for your thoughtfulness and dedication   Edgewood and Vantage were able to
                                        to #improvingpeopleslives. Your actions are   prioritize and keep up with service
                                        an inspiration to your team and colleagues!  requests for residents across all of our
                                                                                    communities, thanks to expert dedicated
        BABIES                                DC COMEDY SHOW                        maintenance teams and longstanding
                                                                                    relationships with vendor partners that
        Congratulations to both JENN          We could                              are able to provide turn services while
        MILLER and SARAH VILLANUEVA on        always use a                          adhering to CDC guidance and best
        the births of their beautiful babies!  good laugh,                          practices. Read the full story here:
                                              and we                      
                                              got one!
                                              Corporate                             ONBOARDING DURING A PANDEMIC
                                              Edgewood and Vantage employees        As many companies were laying off
                                              took some time to listen to the local   employees, Edgewood and Vantage
                                              talents at DC Improv’s Comedy Club    were adding to their 900-person
                                              via webinar. Thank you DC Improv      workforce nationwide. But in this era
                                              Comedy Club for some much needed      of closed offices and social distancing,
                                              humor.                                onboarding presents a greater
        Giada Miller      Jasson Villanueva
                                                                                    challenge. Virtual tools allow the
                                                                                    company’s teams to substitute ‘in-
                       GLORIA ARMSTRONG                                             person’ with a different form of
                       After 35 incredible years with Edgewood, Gloria Armstrong is   ‘face-to-face’.” Read the full story here:
                       embarking on the next chapter of her life  —her well deserved
                       retirement! Throughout the years, Gloria became known for not   MIXED-INCOME HOUSING OFFERS
                       only her high-performing portfolio, constant source of support   PROTECTION AGAINST ECONOMIC
                       and department’s “voice of reason”, but also her brilliant smile,
                       friendly demeanor, and unmatched fashion sense. She is a dear   DOWNTURN
                       friend to many and though she will be missed, we are so happy   Mixed-income housing—which features
                       for her and wish her a relaxing retirement. Congratulations Gloria!  affordable housing alongside market-
                                                                                    rate homes—is poised to perform
        CAROLINE TAYLOR                                                             significantly better financially as the
                                                                                    pandemic continues to impact employ-
        Caroline is the newest addition to the Marketing team as Regional           ment and wages. Our CAO, Michael
        Marketing Manager, and she oversees 90 of our managed commu-                Leithead, touches on the socioeconomic
        nities. She brings with her 5+ years of knowledge and experience in         upside of developing mixed-income
        communications, design, social media and content management,                housing. Read more here:
        as well as copywriting. In her free time, Caroline enjoys sketching
        and painting, exercising, and traveling with her family and pug.

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                                              9711 Washingtonian Boulevard, Suite 200
                                                     Gaithersburg, MD 20878
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