Page 5 - E-Book_English for Elementary School Students_Ida Ayu Cantika Cahya Putri
P. 5
1. Short Description
In this teaching Material, we will discuss how to Express Compliments and
Expressions of Congratulations, and how to express them to others in written and
spoken language. The material for grade 4 is Expression of Compliments and
Expression of Congratulations is very important so that students know that Expressing
compliments and congratulations is a way to appreciate something to others. This can
provide motivation for people who receive it, so there is nothing wrong if we do this.
In English, there are several expressions that can be used to express compliments and
congratulations to the people around us. If you already know this material then you can
maintain and nurture good relations between one person and another.
2. Relevance
This teaching material contains Expression of Compliments and Expression of
Congratulations, learn how to express Expression of Compliments and Expression of
Congratulations to someone, how to respond when someone gives us congratulations
and compliment in written and spoken language. After studying this module students
are expected to be able to understand Expressions of Compliments and Expressions of
3. Study Guide
The purpose of learning teaching materials is so that students can understand
Expressions of Compliments and Expressions of Congratulations, and how to respond
to them in writing and orally. Here is a study guide for studying this module:
1. Understand all the names Expression of Compliments and Expression of
2. Definition of Using Expression of Compliments and Expression of
3. Read various other sources that are relevant to the material being studied.
4. Discuss reading results in discussion forums through online facilities with
other students and teachers.
5. Doing each Exercise or Assignment independently and formative tests
through online facilities.
6. Practice the knowledge gained from the learning process into daily learning
practices and reflect on it.