Page 38 - Mon livre des affiches CSST École Peter Hall
P. 38


                                                       PETER HALL SCHOOL

                       Fire safety is everyone's responsibility. Stay vigilant and act accordingly

                                                    to ensure a safe and protected work environment!

                                                                Please read the fire safety guide

                                  Be aware of

                                   emergency                                                      Know how to use                                                            Report any fire

                            procedures and                                                               fire-fighting                                                             hazards or

                       evacuation routes.                                                                equipment:                                                        malfunctions of

                                                                                                     extinguishers,                                                  safety equipment to

                                                                                                         alarms, etc.                                                      your colleagues.

                    Evacuate quickly and

                      calmly in case of an                                                          Training will be                                                 Report any incidents

                                  emergency,                                                      provided for this                                                                     to your

                           following safety                                                                  purpose.                                                         management.


                   IN CASE OF EVACUATION:

                          Remain calm and do not panic.

                          Leave the area immediately using the emergency exits.

                          Do not use elevators; use the stairs.

                          Proceed to the designated assembly point: Schoolyard.

                          Do not re-enter the building until it is deemed safe.

                                                                For more information, please contact us:

                            Occupational Health and Safety Committee (CSST) Peter Hall School.

                                      CÔTE VERTU: ZOHRA & MELISSA; OUIMET: SANDRA & AZEDDINE
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