Page 1094 - Master Catalog 2017, Inch
P. 1094
High-Performance Solid Carbide End Mills •
VariMill II Long
VariMill II Long
Designed to achieve highest surface quality and tool life in titanium, stainless steels, and
steels. Innovative core and tool geometry design enable chatter-free corner machining in
one pass. VariMill II Long covers 4 x D lengths-of-cut for semi-fi nishing and fi ne fi nishing
operations with radii and sharp corner versions from stock.
• Tailored 43° helix improves surface fi nish.
• Less passes in side milling with 4 x D length-of-cut capability.
• One tool for semi-fi nishing and fi ne fi nishing operations.
• No need for feed rate reduction when machining corners.
Innovative core design 43° helix improves fi nishing results.
enables highest feed rates.
Five unequally spaced fl utes
for highest feed rates AlTiN coating for highest
and reduced vibrations. cutting data and tool life.
Optimized for wall straightness.
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