Page 465 - Master Catalog 2017, Inch
P. 465

Technical Information
                                                                                                  Setup Recommendations

                     Setup Information and Recommendations

                     Tool “D” (above centerline)
                   Set ØB is defl ected to position “DF,” relieving the     Tip of the Insert
                   load by defl ecting to a smaller bore, ØA. Tool “D”   This enables the end user to hold closer tolerances,
                   cannot “dig in” because the cut (load) becomes   produce a better fi nish, and avoid chatter.
                   lighter as it defl ects.
                   Tool “E” (on centerline or below)
                   Set ØB “digs in” and is defl ected toward position                          ØA
                   “EF” and bore ØC. The larger the load, the larger                         ØB
                   the defl ection.                                                          ØC

                     Built-in geometries of WIDIA-CIRCLE ™  precision
                   boring bars are based on the concept that the          .010" (0,25mm) REF.
                   boring bar shank will always be positioned on
                   the machine spindle centerline. The cutting point
                   will be slightly high (against direction of rotation)                            Machine Spindle
                   except when facing centerline or cutting on                                      Boring Bar
                   outside diameters.

                     Use WIDIA-CIRCLE precision setup level or:                  Slant Bed Machines
                   1.  Use center height gage and position insert as
                     shown in illustration.
                   2.  If center point is unavailable, mark the center of                .010" (0,25mm) REF.
                     the bar stock with a centering punch or square.                   (insert parallel to turret travel)
                     Position the insert as shown in illustration.
                   3.  Lay a straight edge on the insert to help position                Center of Spindle
                     the insert parallel to the travel or centerline.
                     NOTE:  In some cases, to help reduce
                        chatter or taper, the insert may
                        need to be rotated less than
                        .010" (0,25mm) but more than
                        .002" (0,05mm) above center.


                                                                                                                   10/30/15   2:02 PM
         WID_Master16_Turning_Circle_D122_D123_Minch_REBRAND.indd   123  L  V  i  WID M  16 T  i  Ci l D122 D123 Mi h REBRANDO  b 152015804AM
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