Page 484 - Master Catalog 2017, Inch
P. 484

WMT  Turning, Grooving, Cut-off, and Profi ling
                  Feed Values for Grooving Inserts

                                                                             .012 (0,30)
                CM Cut-Off Medium  •  Double-ended, V-bottom and top, mechanically
                                   •  Neutral, right-, and left-hand lead angles up to 12˚.  .011 (0,28)
                                   •  Designed to increase speed and feed.   .010 (0,25)
                                   •  Chip geometry designed for excellent chip control
                                    and minimized cutting pressure on various materials.  .0009 (0,23)
                                                                           feed rate [in/rev (mm/rev)]  .0007 (0,18)
                                   •  Ideal for 300 Series stainless steel, tool steel,
                                    titanium, INCONEL , and other nickel-based alloys   .0008 (0,20)
                                    at moderate speeds and feeds.
                                                                             .0006 (0,15)
                CM-W Cut-Off       • Wiper fl ats where surface fi nish is critical.  .0005 (0,13)
                                   •  Double-ended, V-bottom, and top,       .0004 (0,10)
                Medium with Wiper   mechanically clamped.
                                   • Neutral, right-, and left-hand lead angles up to 12˚.  .0003 (0,08)
                                   • Designed to increase speed and feed.
                                   •  Chip geometry designed for excellent chip control   .0002 (0,05)
                                    and minimized cutting pressure on various materials.
                                                                             width of cut  .062  .094  .125  .157
                                                                               [in (mm)]  (1,5 and 2,0)  (2,5)  (3,0)  (4,0)
                                                                                                      1   Recommended Starting Feed
                PT Plunge, Groove,   •  High positive rake geometry for low        .200         size 8
                                    cutting force, especially in soft materials.
                and Turn Inserts   •  Deep grooving tool for plunge and turn       (5,5)        size 7
                                                                            feed rate [in/rev (mm/rev)]  (2,5)    size 3
                                    O.D. and face grooving operations.             .150       size 6
                                   •  Delivers chip control over full range        (4,0)
                                    of DOC when turning.                                     size 5
                                   • Cuts in both axial and radial directions.     .100
                                                                                            size 4
                                                                                           size 2
                                                                                   (1,0)  R0,2  R1,06
                PC Grooving and    • Superior chip control.
                                   •  Full nose radius geometry for plunge         (0,5)
                Profi ling Inserts   and contour operations.
                                   •  Effective cutting edge geometry exceeds   turn/profi le feed  .004  (0,16)  (0,25)  .016
                                                                             mm/rev (in/rev)
                                    180° for increased versatility.
                                                                          plunge groove feed  .002  .004  .006  .012
                                                                             mm/rev (in/rev)  (0,05)  (0,1)  (0,16)  (0,30)
                                                                                                 size 8
                PH Plunge, Groove,   • Excellent performance in greater than 35 HRC.  (4,0)     size 6
                                   •  Deep grooving tool for plunge and turn O.D.
                and Turn Inserts    and face grooving operations.           feed rate [in/rev (mm/rev)]  .100    size 5
                                   •  Delivers chip control over full range of DOC   (2,5)
                                    when turning.                                             size 4
                                   • Delivers superior chip control in interrupted cuts.  .060    size 3
                                                                                   .040    size 2
                                                                            turn/profi le feed  .004  .006  .010  .016
                                                                             mm/rev (in/rev)  (0,1)  (0,16)  (0,25)  (0,4)
                                                                          plunge groove feed  .002  .004  .006  .012
                                                                             mm/rev (in/rev)  (0,05)  (0,1)  (0,16)  (0,30)


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