Page 53 - Demo
P. 53

                                    My Story Parthiv ShahThe level of sophistication and science in the Sell More Implants%u2122 System KDV%u0003W\\SLFDOO\\%u0003EHHQ%u0003D%u0263RUGDEOH%u0003RQO\\%u0003E\\%u0003ODUJH%u0003FRUSRUDWLRQV%u000f%u0003DQG%u0003KDV%u0003EHHQ%u0003their business advantage. By building a System with its development essentially cost-shared by hundreds of individual practices (only 1 per area), we are able to give this same advantage to the individualowned private practice. In an era of expansive, intensifying corporate competition, this is of special importance.285%u00030(7+2'6%u0003$5(%u000362%u000381,48(%u0003$1'%u0003,1129$7,9(%u0003:(%u0003+$9(%u0003(9(1%u0003%((1%u0003$:$5'('%u0003$%u00038%u00116%u0011%u00033$7(17)25%u0003285%u00036<67(06%u0004 SIX Patents for %u2018Business Growth Strategies%u2019 have (9(5%u0003EHHQ%u0003JUDQWHG%u000f%u0003DQG%u0003RXUV%u0003LV%u0003WKH%u0003%u00bfUVW%u0003VLQFH%u0003%u0015%u0013%u0014%u0016%u0011To obtain this Patent we had to PROVE three things: that we had something UNIQUE, something USEFUL, DQG%u0003D%u0003IXQFWLRQLQJ%u0003%u00b56<67(0%u00b6%u000b127%u0003MXVW%u0003DQ%u0003%u00b5LGHD%u00b6%u000c%u0011:(%u0003:,//%u0003387%u0003285%u00033$7(17('%u00036<67(0%u000372%u0003:25.%u0003)25%u0003<28%u0004%u0003I came to America in 1989. I settled my entire multi-generational family in the suburbs of Boston. I had been in the Indian Air Force, where I became fascinated with computers. One of my core job duties was to type in the %u201cdaily RUGHUV%u00b4%u0003DQG%u0003WKHQ%u0003VWHQFLO%u0003SULQW%u0003WKHP%u0003RXW%u0003on a good old fashioned dot matrix printer (without ribbons), which I would then duplicate on something called a Preview Copy | 49
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