Page 55 - Demo
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                                    DVVLVWLQJ%u0003WKH%u0003SULQWLQJ%u0003LQGXVWU\\%u000f%u0003GLUHFW%u0003PDLO%u0003%u00bfUPV%u0003DQG%u0003WHOHPDUNHWLQJ%u0003companies. From this I learned a dynamic new way of printing content: 'LJLWL]LQJ%u00032%u0263VHW%u00033ULQWLQJ%u0003-REV%u0003ZKLFK%u0003EURXJKW%u0003LQ%u0003PXFK%u0003KLJKHU%u0003SUR%u00bfWV%u0011%u00037KH%u0003jobs that were selling for $7,500 were now selling for upwards of $12,000. Our sales tripled in three years.,Q%u0003%u0015%u0013%u0013%u0018%u000f%u0003,%u0003VROG%u0003/LVWODXQFKHUV%u0003IRU%u0003PXOWL%u0010VHYHQ%u0003%u00bfJXUHV%u0003DQG%u0003EHFDPH%u0003SDUW%u0003RI%u0003D%u0003larger conglomerate only to have a failed business transaction, that once again put me and my family in debt.My business, Listlaunchers, was killed%u2026.but I survived!In 2006, after starting all over again, I established 7KH%u0003GL%u0263HUHQFH%u0003QRZ%u0003LV%u0003WKDW%u0003,%u0003NQRZ%u0003H[DFWO\\%u0003ZKDW%u0003,%u0003DP%u0003GRLQJ%u0011%u0003,%u0003KDYH%u0003WDNHQ%u0003everything I have learned about Marketing, Technology, List Generation, and success and failure and rolled it into one super dynamic company.2006 to 2009 were trying times, a struggle to make ends meet. In 2009 I accidentally stumbled upon a local GKIC study club. I joined their program, bought various books and courses taught by Bill Glazer and Dan Kennedy and became an implementation expert of various concepts taught by Dan Kennedy.In 2011, I met a good looking guy at a Dan Kennedy%u2019s event in Cleveland who approached me at break: %u201cHi Parthiv, I have been following you for a while and watching you work with others. I like you, I am ready to get started with you. That was 'U%u0011%u0003'XVWLQ%u0003%XUOHVRQ. I began working for Dr. Burleson%u2019s practice and when Dr. Burleson came to Maryland for a day of consultation with me, he asked me if I would be kind enough to go WR%u00035LFKPRQG%u0003ZLWK%u0003KLP%u0003WR%u0003DWWHQG%u0003'U%u0011%u0003&KDUOHV%u00030DUWLQ%u00b6V mastermind. I met my friend 'U%u0011%u0003*UHJ%u0003:\\FK at Dr. Martin%u2019s mastermind. Dr. Martin ZDV%u0003WKH%u0003%u00bfUVW%u0003LQ%u0003WKH%u0003JURXS%u0003WR%u0003KLUH%u0003PH%u000f%u0003WKHQ%u0003'U%u0011%u0003:\\FK%u0003DQG%u0003HYHQWXDOO\\%u0003RWKHUV%u0003followed suit. Eventually Dr. Burleson started a coaching program for orthodontists and I became the implementation expert for Burleson coaching program members. Prior to that I worked with 'U%u0011%u00037RP%u00032UHQW as his list research and market segmentation strategist. I developed a multi-step short run direct mail program for dentists and a dental patient newsletter program. This is my story. It is a classic entrepreneur%u2019s story: Start with little or Preview Copy | 51
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