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viii NO B.S. Guide to Selling Your Company for Top DollarABOUT THE AUTHORSwell as Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Tom Hopkins, and Jim Rohn. His own conferences have featured Gene Simmons (KISS), Joan Rivers, Kathy Ireland, and George Foreman. Mr. Kennedy can be UHDFKHG%u0003GLUHFWO\\%u0003E\\%u0003ID[%u0003DW%u0003%u0016%u0016%u0013%u0010ffi%u0013fl%u0010%u0013%u0015%u0018%u0013%u0011DAVID MELROSE is a serial entrepreneur whose biggest success has been building his home warranty / home services FRPSDQ\\%u0003 IURP%u0003 VWDUW%u0010XS%u0003 WR%u0003 PLG%u0010HLJKW%u0010%u00c0JXUHV%u0003 H[LW%u0003 LQ%u0003 MXVW%u0003 %u0017%u0011%u0018%u0003years. He is a %u201cblue-collar multi-millionaire%u201d and self-taught entrepreneur. He is currently involved with a new start-up in the same industry he exited, as well as consulting with entrepreneurs on the development of productive sales teams, the building of companies to sell for top dollar, and their exits. He can be reached via NOTESIt is impossible to avoid talking about legal matters with the subject of selling your company, but no one contributing to this book is an attorney. We are NOT dispensing legal advice, nor should any of our comments be taken as a substitute for advice you may need from a licensed legal professional. Here, we are sharing our experiences and opinions and describing what we have done personally. Any decisions you may make that you attribute to any comments here on legal issues is still your sole responsibility. Neither the authors, contributing guests in interviews, the publisher, or related parties accept ANY liability for your decisions or actions. Preview Copy | 6