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Additional online services
Messages Reports
This report is used to notify you of any needed changes to After January 2, we mail yearly third-party sick pay tax
your employees’ deductions. This can include policies with reporting information for the previous year.
premium differences, nonpayment of billed premiums,
employee cancellations or rate changes. For report requests, W9 forms or assistance with a report
you received, visit our “Help” section or contact us from
Receive email notifications when reports the home page of our website.
are available.
W2 reporting needed for ACA filing
Use the Employees tool to communicate needed changes.
5500 SCHEDULE A Enrollments conducted using our Harmony enrollment
The 5500 Schedule A reflects the amount of premiums system will have access to detailed report information
paid during the plan year, approximate number of persons after enrollment.
covered, and commissions paid to agents and/or brokers. Select from a variety of sorting and filter options to
The report generates for groups that take pre-tax outline your employees’ benefit choices during your
deductions or do employer-paid benefits and have open enrollments.
at least 100 employees.
PAST DUE NOTICE Contact information
Past due notices are generated at 30-, 45- and
90-day intervals. Experienced specialists are available to help you between
8 a.m. and 7 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday.
We will not send letters to your employees unless the
account has lapsed. Accounts will lapse after 90 days of
nonpayment, in which case claims may be delayed and Plan Administrators – 1-800-256-7004
premium may be deducted from claim payments.
Policyholders – 1-800-325-4368
Employee Administration Group Billing
P.O. Box 903
Remove policies from future invoices
Report LOA
Update employee’s information, such as addresses P.O. Box 100195
and phone number Columbia, SC 29202
Relocate a person to another BCN and/or section
you administer
*Changes will update future invoices only.
Insurance products are underwritten by Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company.
©2020 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company. All rights reserved. Colonial Life is a
registered trademark and marketing brand of Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company. 4-20 | 101766-2