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Invoice Service Guide

       With the plan administrator section of, you can access a variety of resources to help
       simplify account administration.

       Billing and Reconciliation                                  Payments

       For your convenience, you’ll receive an email when a new invoice   Regardless of how you reconcile your bill, our simple online payment
       is posted online. To reconcile your invoices as quickly and easily as    option provides an easy, quick and secure way to process payments.
       possible, use Excel or deduction file submission.
                                                                   Online invoice payments
       Premium will be applied to the most outstanding invoice.  Any changes
       will be reflected on the next printed invoice. If there are    „    Choose to pay one invoice or multiple invoices.
       any discrepancies, a deduction change report will generate after   „    Select whether to “Pay Online” or “Pay by Mail.”
       premium is applied.
                                                                      „    If there is not an existing payment method,
       Deduction file submission                                        a new one can be added.

          „    Download a report of deductions from your payroll system each   „   Schedule a future payment date if the invoice is not past due.
            billing cycle.                                            „    If modifying the payment amount, enter the amount

          „    Upload the report to our website using our File Transfer    being remitted and attach the deduction information
            service, and we will reconcile your bill for you.           for reconciliation.
       You can obtain a copy of your invoice by selecting “View & Pay Invoices”   „    After you submit an online payment, a confirmation email
       and clicking on the invoice number you wish to view.             will be sent.  If “Pay By Mail” was chosen, a remittance slip
                                                                        with invoice and payment information will be available
       Excel                                                            for download.

          „   Download your invoice by clicking the invoice number on    „   Online payments can be reviewed, or if scheduled, canceled
            the “Invoices” page and select the Excel link.              through “Payment History” under the “Payment Activity” tab.
          „    Update employee information, edit premium amounts,
            change tax status of deductions or add missing information   Additional online payments
            directly in the Excel document.                           „    Additional payments can be made via the “Make A Payment”
          „    Your invoice adjustments will automatically calculate a new   feature under the “Payment Activity” tab.
            total, and a summary of your adjustments will be displayed.  „    Additional payments can be made to adjust a submitted
          „    Save the Excel spreadsheet with the changes and          invoice payment or make up for missed premiums for a
            click “Pay Now.”                                            specific policyholder.
          „   An instructions tab is located in the bottom left of    Mailed payments
            each Excel bill.
                                                                      „   If mailing in a paper check, please include the
       PDF                                                              Billing Control Number.

          „    Download a hard copy of your invoice by clicking the invoice   „    Deduction information or changes can be submitted
            number on the “Invoices” page and select the PDF link.      via File Transfer.
          „   Instructions on how to make changes to the PDF and mailing   „    If unable to submit via File Transfer, please include any
            instructions will be listed on the first page.              deduction information or changes with the paper check.
                                                                      „    Invoices that generate prior to premium being applied will
                                                                        not reflect changes from the previous invoice.
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