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Peace of mind is worth keeping

                                          Your Colonial Life benefits have been

                                          protecting you for some time now.

                                          They still can. Even if you are leaving your company, retiring or your
                                          employer stops payroll deductions, you can keep your coverage.*

                                          Why continue your existing benefits?

                                              „    These benefits are yours - continue protecting yourself and family no matter
                                                 where you work*
            of Colonial Life
        customers are satisfied               „    Protect your investment and keep any value or building benefits your existing
           with the way we                       policy has built up over time
         handled their claim.1
                                              „    You may pay more for a new policy based on your current age
                                              „    You may not qualify for a new policy if your health status has changed  

                                              „    You may lose valuable benefits or policy features unavailable with
                                                 another carrier

                                              „    New pre-existing waiting periods or exclusions may apply on a new policy,
                                                 leaving you unprotected

            Need help?                    How to keep your benefits

        Call 1-800-325-4368               That’s the easy part.
           Monday-Friday,                 If you were paying for your benefits through payroll deduction, we can simply switch
          8 a.m.-8 p.m. ET                you to a monthly draft from your personal bank account or to a direct billing at home.
       to see how we can help             Just complete Colonial Life’s Payment Method Change form or call 800-325-4368.
      you keep your benefits.

                                          * Some products are offered exclusively through your employer and may not to be eligible on an individual payment
                                             basis. Contact us if you have questions about your policies.
                                          1   Market Decisions, 3Q2017 Voluntary Benefits Claimant Satisfaction Research.  Percentage of claimants who were                  satisfied or very satisfied with our overall handling of their claim.
                                          Insurance products are underwritten by Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company, Columbia, SC.
                                          ©2018 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company. All rights reserved. Colonial Life is a
                                          registered trademark and marketing brand of Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company.     3-18 |  101872
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