Page 7 - Product Summary of Colonial Life_Neat
P. 7
Short-Term Disability Options
Individual Disability Insurance 2 Group Disability Insurance 3
Up to $4,000/60% of income with expected Up to $4,000/60% of income with expected
Guaranteed-issue options
15% participation 15% participation
Minimum enrolled lives 1 10
Issue age 17-74 17-74
17-69 (Disability 1000)
Total Disability means you are unable to do your own Total Disability means you are unable to do your
Total Disability job, not working at any job, and under the care of a own job, not working at any job, and under the
physician. care of a physician.
On/off-job and off-job only plans available On/off-job and off-job only plans available
Plan options
(on-job benefit is 50% of off-job benefit) (on-job benefit is 50% of off-job benefit)
Benefit amount $400 to $6,500 flat monthly benefit $400 to $7,500 flat monthly benefit
3, 6, 12, 24 months (Employer selects up to two 3, 6, 12, 24 months (Employer selects up to two
Benefit periods
benefit periods per account) benefit periods per account)
0/7, 7/7, 0/14, 7/14*, 14/14, 0/30, 30/30, 60/60, 90/90, 0/7, 7/7, 0/14, 7/14, 14/14, 0/30, 30/30, 60/60, 90/90,
Elimination periods 180/180 (Available elimination periods depend on 180/180 (Available elimination periods depend on
benefit period(s) selected) benefit period(s) selected)
Employer may choose to offer all employees: Employer may choose to offer all employees:
Waiver of elimination period for first day of Waiver of elimination period for first day of
Optional choices hospital confinement (first day hospital) benefit* hospital confinement (first day hospital) benefit
Psychiatric or psychological conditions benefit* Psychiatric or psychological conditions benefit
Employee may also purchase additional benefit:
$50 health screening benefit per year
Portability Yes Yes
Account takeovers Pre-existing condition exclusions may be waived Pre-existing condition exclusions may be waived
for any continuous time an insured was covered by
for any continuous time an insured was covered by
(Credit for Time Insured) the disability carrier being replaced in the account the disability carrier being replaced in the account
Guaranteed renewable — rates won’t Optionally renewable — two-year rate guarantee,
Rate stability increase unless a rate increase is filed with plus other rate guarantee options available
state departments of insurance
Account risk rating One risk rating per account One risk rating per account
Available — benefit options and rates for
Situs state Not available multi-state companies are based on state
where the master application is signed
Claim coordination Pays without regard to other income sources Pays without regard to other income sources
Waiver of premium Yes Yes
* Not available for Disability 1000
2 Disability 1000 (Policy Form DIS1000), Individual Disability 3000 (Policy Form ISTD3000)
3 Group Disability (Policy Form GDIS-P)
3-month benefit period not available for ISTD in CA, ID, NH, NJ; for DIS1000 in CA, ID, PA, VT; for GDIS in CA, ID, MT, NJ.
This flier is a general product description. Disability plan features may vary. Products may not be available in some states. Policies have
exclusions and limitations that may affect benefits payable. For cost and complete details, please see your Colonial Life benefits representative.
©2016 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company, Columbia, SC | Colonial Life insurance products are
underwritten by Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company, for which Colonial Life is the marketing brand. 6-16 | 65662-11