Page 60 - The Complete Rigger’s Apprentice
P. 60
Load on a halyard varies over its hoist; at first
you’re only picking up the weight of the sail, and
perhaps a gaff or square yard, and the going is
relatively easy. But at the end, when you want to
tighten the sail up for an efficient shape, the going
is decidedly difficult.
With most contemporary boats, it’s the winch
that applies the final, heavy load. But on gaffers
and square-riggers, it’s done with a jigger: The
halyard is double-ended; one end leads down to
deck on one side of the mast and is pulled on by
hand as far as possible, then belayed; the other end
leads down to deck on the other side of the mast
and has a three-, four-, or five-part block-and- Figure 2-21A. Bullet blocks spliced into the ends of
tackle hanging from it. This purchase compounds
the primary purchase aloft. That is, if your throat sheet pendants provide a two-part purchase, an alter-
halyard has a four-part purchase, a jigger of three native to winching on traditional craft. The blocks are
parts will give you a 3 5 4 = 12-part purchase at shaped to prevent snagging on the stay during tacks.
the end of the hoist for easy luff tensioning. You The pendants are sometimes called “lizards.”
could, of course, make up a 12-part primary pur-
chase, but then you’d need a halyard three times as
long, and there’s already enough string to deal with
on a gaffer.
advantage, you can have either power or speed, but
not both. If, for example, your mainsheet has a 2:1
advantage, it may bring the boom in very fast, but
only in light airs. If you change up to a 5:1 advan-
tage, it’ll be easier on your arms, but a slow, slow
experience. What will be the ideal compromise, for
you, between ease and speed? One solution might
be to combine a fast, low-power purchase with a
winch. The powerful, slow winch would sheet things
in in heavy airs, while the block and tackle would
stand alone in light airs. But do you want to invest in Figure 2-21B. A hardwood “lizard” is a sheaveless
another winch? Will it work in your cockpit? alternative to a single block for small craft or for
Most sailors just go with whatever the boat smaller sails on large craft.
comes with, and may not even realize that there are
alternatives. But rigging materials are specialized in than a SORC ambience, look for ones that look the
order to suit any sailing style; you might as well get part. Read technical data about them. Ask around
what suits you. about the reputation of the brand or brands you’re
Racing craft feature blocks that are extraordi- considering; there are some good-looking lemons
narily light, strong, low-friction, and high-cost. This out there.
is appropriate. But racing considerations pervade
the sailing craft marketplace to a ridiculous degree, Rope-Stropped Blocks
so that the gear of most craft is not appropriate. If As the diagrams in Figure 2-22 show, I have a thing
you’re more interested in a solid, repairable block for rope-stropped blocks. Not exactly an off-the-