Page 55 - The Complete Rigger’s Apprentice
P. 55

rope semicircular
                     Kevlar flat-bottomed  wire and rope V-grooved
                                                                                     wire and rope notched

                  Figure 2-15. Sheave score profiles.

                                                                      Table 2. Recommended Minimum
                                                                     Sheave Diameters and Block Sizes

                                                                The “standard” tread diameters shown in this table are sizes
                                                                that will guarantee the longest wire rope life and highest
                                                                strength. But if it is not practicable to put a sheave that size
                                                                into your mast, be aware that as you approach the “critical”
                                                                diameter the wire’s strength and longevity are severely com-
                                                                promised. The accompanying diagram illustrates tread diam-
                                                                eter. Block length rather than sheave diameter is the desired
                                                                standard when working with fiber rope. (Source of minimum
                                                                tread diameter: MacWhyte Wire Rope Co.)
                   Figure 2-16. Keeper bars can be welded on across a
                   halyard sheave opening to prevent the wire halyard
                   from jumping out and jamming between the sheave
                   and mortise walls.

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