Page 10 - NFS Value Prop Booklet
P. 10

Ranked #3 Orange County Top
      Workplace in 2013; Top Workplace
     honors in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

             “I am pleased and proud to be working with AAG. I strongly
            believe that it is important for many Americans 62 and older,
          and just as importantly for their families, to know that a reverse
          mortgage can help them stay in their homes  without giving up
                                 their ownership.”
                      -Tom Selleck, Actor and AAG Paid Spokesperson

                    97% of American Advisors Group

                customers are satisfied with our service         2

             1 Borrower could be subject to foreclosure for reasons including failure to maintain the
          property, pay property taxes, and pay homeowner’s insurance.  Based on American Advisors
                   Group customer surveys between June 1, 2013 and April 30, 2018.
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