Page 12 - WSAAG052_Your Guide Booklet
P. 12

Stronger Safeguards and Protections

                           Reverse mortgage loans come with many
                             safeguards for your financial protection.

        Limited Fees                         Financial Assessment                 Non-Recourse Loan
        HECM origination fees are regulated    Before you can formally apply for a   When repayment is due, neither
        by the U.S. Department of Housing    reverse mortgage, you will undergo   you nor your heirs will ever owe
        and Urban Development (HUD).         a financial assessment to determine   more than your home is worth.
        HECM loan costs may vary among       whether a reverse mortgage or
        creditors and loan types.            another financial option can best
                                             serve you.
        First-Year Withdrawal Cap
        HUD established limits on the amount   Counseling
        of money you can access your first   You will receive counseling by an
        year to help you better balance your   independent, HUD-approved third
        short- and longer-term financial needs.  party to help you explore and address
                                             whether a reverse mortgage or
        Credit Line Growth                   another alternative may offer you
        The unused portion of your credit    the best financial solution for your
                                             needs and goals.
        line continues to grow, giving you an
        incentive to responsibly access
        only the credit you need.

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