Page 7 - Welcome to BetterCare
P. 7

HELPFUL TIP Ensure you select the correct
          Time-Off Requests                                                   type of time off (Vacation, Sick, etc.).

 Ceridian Dayforce How-To  STEP 1   STEP 2       STEP 3                                STEP 4
          Go to Time       Select + Request      Select Reason + Type of               Once the details are
          Away List        New Time Off          Request + Start & End details.        entered, click Submit
                                                 *Note that as you are adjusting for
                                                 the time requested, your amount
                                                 will automatically be deducted
                                                 accounting for the hours you have

          How to Authorize and Approve your Timecard

          STEP 1           STEP 2                     STEP 3                         STEP 4
          Go to the        Review your                Hourly Employees               Hourly Employees at the
          Employee         timesheet on a             Authorize every day that       end of every pay period
          Timesheet        regular basis to           you work (ensure you are       review and approve the
                           address errors/            authorizing accurate times     pay period by selecting the
                           timesheet                  worked;) select the day,       check mark at the bottom
                           adjustments in a           click the authorize stamp      of the Employee Timesheet.
                           timely manner              icon, and click Save           Then click Save.

          Resetting Your Password

          STEP 1                                      STEP 2                         STEP 3
          Forgot your password? Don’t worry,          Enter your username or         Answer your security
          we’ll show you how to get back into         verified email address         questions to reset your
          Ceridian!                                                                  password

          n  On the Ceridian Login Page,
             select “Can’t access your

          Single Sign–On Access

          STEP 1                                      STEP 2                         STEP3
          Once you have your work email               Select the Ceridian            Enter your computer
          address, visit the AAG Intranet             Dayforce Icon                  login credentials. Once
          Home Page                                                                  submitted, you will be routed
                                                                                     to your Ceridian Dayforce
                                                                                     Home Page.

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