Page 4 - WS_Marketing Strategies for Dynamic Growth
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Talk to your existing database about
HECM loans
Do you have existing customers that could benefit from a HECM? Get Access to
3 Look for re-fi opportunities, from traditional to HECM loans. Research and
3 Target the family/adult children of seniors - their opinions can have
heavy impact on older family members’ decisions. Industry Data
3 Reach out to cold leads that maybe didn’t qualify before or that you Having this information handy
haven’t talked to in a while. Timing could be everything. can help you better message
3 Reach out for referrals (e.g., realtors) about HECM and HECM for your audience, stay on top of
Purchase offering. industry news and trends and
identify high growth markets.
3 Educate your business partners (e.g. realtors) - show partners how these
loans can build their business. 1. The National Reverse
Mortgage Lenders Association
(NRMLA) The national voice of
the reverse mortgage industry,
serving as an educational
Prospect locally and efficiently resource, policy advocate and
public affairs center for lenders
and related professionals.
Print Advertising Direct Mail & Email
3 Stay local to be cost-efficient. Consider 3 Leased versus Purchased - A list of
any publication (free or paid) that reaches prospects for mailing or emailing can be 2. Reverse Market Insight The
seniors. (e.g., Yellow Pages, 55+ community leased or purchased. A leased list means it premier provider of data,
newsletters, newspapers, etc.). may have limitations on usage, such as how analysis and portfolio valuation
many times the prospect can be contacted services for the reverse
3 Offer an incentive to call, like a free info kit, or how long the list is available to you to mortgage industry.
free in-home consultation or invite them use. A purchased list is yours to do with
to your local seminar for a complimentary what you want once purchased.
lunch. 3. Rob Chrisman’s Daily
3 Narrow your list down by location, age, Mortgage News &
homeownership, estimated home value, Commentary An industry
Seminars & Webinars etc. - this will save money and time. veteran of more than 31
years, Rob’s commentary is
3 Invite (direct mail/email) seniors and their 3 Associations/memberships will sometimes
spouses to learn more about HECM loans sell or rent lists or have their own database held in the highest regard
by attending a seminar or watching a for which they allow you to market to if you by mortgage and real estate
webinar. become a member. professionals alike.
3 Use an online form to capture their contact
for tracking and follow-up. 4. NMP Magazine Get the
most up-to-date news,
3 Including a complimentary breakfast or TIP: Vet your list vendor. Ask for references insight and advice for today’s
lunch at a favorite local restaurant can go a and call them. If they have nothing to mortgage professional.
long way. hide, they will give you actual contacts nationalmortgageprofessional.
you can call. com
TIP: Be sure to extend the invites to spouses, TIP: Test your list investment and vendor(s). 5. MBA Magazine Valued for
family members, and friends! Buy small quantities to start from its exclusive interviews and
your top two vendors, with odd zip columns and relied on for
codes from one and even zip codes news on the latest industry
Outbound/Cold Calls from another. Track the prospect’s developments.
3 Call borrower prospects and potential performance.
business partners.
6. MPA Magazine The mortgage
3 Whether from a sourced list or your Conferences and Events & finance industry’s most
existing database – invite them to your trusted source of news, opinion
event, webinar or offer a free in-home 3 Consumer expos are all around you – find and analysis.
consultation, or get them interested them and attend. Some events even offer a
enough to speak to a loan officer. list of registered contacts you can market to
before and after the event.
TIP: Take this opportunity to network with
your peers!