P. 14
SHOP OWNER YOSHIDA His gaze remains on the PC(s) without blinking. He
stares for a moment, then his baritone voice breaks
You what?!! Oh boy… O-Okay… A-Allow me to
introduce you. Ugh… just- - you kids… No tact! the humid, silent air of the shop.
The shop owner turns toward Master Yakama and GANRYU YAKAMA
takes a deep breath. He slowly and humbly ap- There is a plant behind me to the left. Its leaves are
proaches the man. arranged into a rosette while its petiole is hairy. It is
12 centimeters long. What is it?
GM NOTE: The PC(s) should answer.
Umm… Eh-Excuse me. Master Yakama… these
people here w-would like to speak with you about— A: Sakurasou
Master Yakama interrupts the shop keep without Ganryu Yakama emits a grunt of unintelligible
taking his eyes off the plants he is observing. intent. He continues through the same stare.
I’m not taking any new students. What is Hanokotoba?
GM NOTE: The PC(s) should answer.
Heheh! Yes of course, but… hmm… I don’t know
Master. Perhaps you should reconsider. They look A: The Japanese form of the language of flowers
very strong.
meant to convey emotion and communicate directly
Master Yakama continues rubbing a potted to the recipient or viewer without needing the use of
plant’s leaf between his thumb and first two fingers, words.
and again, responds without even the slightest flinch
of concern. GANRYU YAKAMA
This plant has a trumpet-shaped flower with five
GANRYU YAKAMA symmetrical petals. The lowermost petal is often the
I don’t train men. Go join the Army. smallest, and all petals are typically a rich purple hue.
What is it?
GM NOTE: The PC(s) should answer.
Mas-ter! Please! At least see who they are, huh…
for an old friend? A: Sumire
Ganryu Yakama closes his eyes and freezes in GANRYU YAKAMA
place still touching the plant. He releases the plant If you want to train Yakama Jujutsu, you’re going to
and turns his frightening gaze to the PC(s) his body need to study. Here. Take this. When you are ready,
still slightly hunched over toward the plant. Without come to my house, and I will test you. Should you
a change in his facial expression he stands fully erect pass, then and only, then will you truly be Yakama.
and turns his shoulders toward the PC(s) aligning his Ganryu Yakama hands one copy of rolled up pa-
body. He takes a single, methodic step forward. His per, yellowed by time to the PC(s). He gives them a
tight-eyed stare piercing the PC(s). Master Yakama final look over, then returns his interest to the plants.
takes a slow, deep breath. Shop Owner Yoshida GM NOTE: Ganryu Yakama is no longer available.
flinches and kindly breaks the tension.
GM NOTE: Rewards
-Experience Points= TBD
Heh… Master Yakama, these young people would
like an opportunity to be your students. What do you -Points of Renown= TBD
say, huh? -Ki Energy= TBD
GANRYU YAKAMA -Hansatsu= 0
What do you know of Hanakotoba? -Affiliation Points= 5
GM NOTE: The PC(s) should respond. -Official Yakama Affiliation Hanakotoba Test
Study Guide
Master Yakama crosses his arms over his chest.