P. 8
Mystic Art: Takashiro=Enemy
Master: “Sensen” Based on the Sensen no sen phi- The ongoing rift between the Takashiro and
losophy, is an initiative launched in anticipation of an Yakama comes from the groups leaders. Ganryu
attack where the opponent is fully committed to their Yakama defeated Kensai Takata is a small tourna-
attack and thus psychologically beyond the point of ment, However, Master Takata, being samurai has a
no return. difficult time accepting the loss. Though Ganryu
Weapon Options: Yakama has long since moved on from the conflict,
he understands the Takashiro are taught a version of
• Two-Handed Swords
the story that sheds a less than favorable light.
• Staffs and Polearms Therefore, Yakama are not friendly with the Samurai
Relationships group in return.
Rank and Responsibility
Musuko No Sento No- Enemy Sanzo- Neutral
Katsunoka- Neutral Takashiro- Enemy
Kurai Hitokage-Ally Tominogoshi- Ally Beginner level students have rare responsibilities
Kushihara- Neutral Uchitori- Neutral outside of duties of maintenance at the compound.
Rarely, beginner students are requested to join on
Nakatashi- Neutral missions.
Kurai Hitokage= Ally
As Ganryu Yakama was gaining prestige
throughout Japan, he understood that her needed pro- The second level of student is the seasoned stu-
tection from those who may try to usurp his efforts. dent and is regularly asked to accompany higher
In a calculated move, Ganryu positioned himself to ranking Yakama or Head Elders on their personal
be present to assist the leader of the Kurai Hitokage conquests.
during the Hogen rebellion. This assistance formed
the alliance allowing Ganryu Yakama the assistance Advanced
of a ninja force that he could call on in times of need.
Tominogoshi= Ally Achieving the advanced rank is the true sign of
endurance in the Yakama dojo. Advanced jujutsu
Ganryu Yakama holds people of accomplishment
in high regard, therefore, the long standing relation- students of the Yakama dojo may plan their own mis-
ship with the Tominogoshi is one that reflects that. sions and lead their own forces. However, keeping
Ganryu Yakama has observed the Tominogoshi to be the secrecy of the dojo is paramount as they fulfill
a just family, strong in their values, and well respect- these missions.
Musuko No Sento No= Enemy
The turbulence between the two groups began An Expert level student of the Yakama dojo is
during a chance encounter during a mission Ganryu something that has never come to pass. Ganryu
Yakama was undertaking with the assistance of Yakama has yet to train a student to this level. Gan-
Asami Yakama. As the Yamaka found rest at an inn, ryu Yakama will ask that a student leave his school
they were accosted by members of the Musuko No (especially males) declaring that the journey between
Sento No martial arts group. These members found he and the student has met its end. Ganryu Yakama’s
Yakama Asami’s beauty irresistible, and in their cap- efforts to remain the strongest member in the Yaka-
tivation of her, forgot their manners while trying to ma family through his pursuit of eternal life. Stu-
talk to her. These members met the wrath of the over dents that persist, are met by the wrath of Ganryu
protective Ganryu Yakama who allowed them to live, Yakama and in the past, have been killed for their
but made them deliver a message to their master in- impertinence.
forming them that the behavior displayed by his stu-
dents would cement a feud between the two for ever.