P. 19

                                                                Name: Kushihara Soldier
             There are several point between buildings that are   Attributes                     Belt Level: Green
           going to need defense.  Grab a weapon and defend
         the area only if you must. You are not Kushihara sol-   HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
               diers, and, therefore, do not have to help.
                                                                  118    6    5     4     3     2     3    2    3
          Besides, should they win, they’ll probably slit your
                throats’ too, just for being here with us.      Techniques               Ki Energy: 131

             Naohiroshi stares as a grin slides across his face,   -Attack Heights: High
         shrugs his shoulders and rushes off to prepare.        -Attack Heights: Low
                                                                -Attack Heights: Medium
         GM NOTE: PC(s) may partner with a Kushihara            -Non-Proj Tech: Proper Grip I
         soldiers and chose a location to defend (1:1 PC to     -Special Tech: Jump
         NPC ratio).  The mob is comprised of a total of 32     -Special Tech: Spin
         soldiers.  Naohiroshi will provide assistance to the   -Non-Proj Tech: Proper Grip II
         PC(s) should they need help.  When 1/3 of the attack-  -Non-Proj Tech: Proper Grip III
         ing army is defeated, they will retreat.               -Striking Tech: Jab Punch

         PART 4     “You Have Your Orders”                      -Kicking Tech: Front  Snap
                                                                -Non-Proj Tech: Horizontal Strike
         Location: Kanagawa Prefecture Shukuba
                                                                -Non-Proj Tech: Vertical Strike
             The angry mob presses forward, and are now po-     Weapons
         sitioning themselves to attack.  Soon the first wave
         attacks the bridge.  While the Kushihara soldiers at   Weapon 1: Basic Katana
         the bridge are fighting, four more Kazashi men move                          WGT  AtP  Rng  LiE  Mas  Vel  CoA
         to attack a location of the Shukuba.                                          1  20  1  15  1       2   1
            GM NOTE: Roll 1D8 on the chart below to deter-      Status Effect: 1D4 Odds & Evens Bleeding roll
         mine where the Kazashi family will attack.  They at-
         tack two locations eight members at a time for four
         waves of attacks.  After the confrontation at the loca-
         tion, Roll 1D4 Odds & Evens to determine if the        Name: Kazashi Soldier
         bridge fight is still going on before the next attack.  If
         positive the next attack wave will have 8 members, if   Attributes                       Belt Level: Yellow
         negative the next attack wave will have 4.              HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE

             Attack Location
                                                                  110    6    2     1     1     1     3    2    1
             1.  Toiyaba
                                                                Techniques               Ki Energy: 110
             2.  Honjin
                                                                -Attack Heights: High
             3.  Waki-honjin                                    -Attack Heights: Low

             4.  Hatago                                         -Attack Heights: Medium
             5.  Kichin-yado                                    -Special Tech: Jump
             6.  Chaya                                          -Special Tech: Spin
                                                                -Non-Proj Tech: Proper Grip II
             7.  Kosatsu
                                                                -Non-Proj Tech: Horizontal Strike
             8.  Bridge                                         -Non-Proj Tech: Vertical Strike
         GM NOTE: Rewards                                       Weapons
             -Experience Points= TBD                            Weapon 1: Basic Bo Staff
             -Points of Renown= TBD                                                   WGT  AtP  Rng  LiE  Mas  Vel  CoA

             -Ki Energy= TBD                                                           .3  10  2  10  2      2   2
             -Hansatsu=  30                                     Status Effect: N/A
             -Affiliation Points= 5

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