P. 20
QUEST 3: “For the Glory” PART 2 “The Straw and the Camel”
Requirements: 10 Kushihara Affiliation Points Location: Kushihara Castle
NPC Characters of Contact After a ride through the wilderness, the PC(s) and
-Naohiroshi Kushihara soldiers have arrives in the Kushihara Dis-
trict and are at the castle. Naohiroshi has since lead
-Kushihara Messenger them up the walkway and into the castle. The sol-
Properties diers under his command await their new orders from
Naohiroshi. As their leader is inside, the Kushihara
soldiers marvel at the sight of thousands of troops
-Kushihara Castle gathering near the castle. Behind them, Naohiroshi
Environment has emerged and is readying his troops for battle.
-Kanagawa Prefecture Shukuba; 78°
Summary These fools think they can storm this castle? There is
only one way in; through the front gate! As they
It’s been two weeks since the last incident at the climb the long walk way annihilate them until they
Shukuba, and no news of feuding activities between fear the true strength of the Samurai!
families has reached the Kushihara. The Kushihara PART 3 “We Are At War”
troops are beginning to believe that the feud is over. Location: Kushihara Castle
Several of them speak of leaving the Shukuba, and
returning to their families. As reserves, the PC(s) watch the invading force
finally break through the front gate. It is at that time
PART 1 “Let’s Pack Up, and Go Home” that Naohiroshi’s force is to engage the enemy.
GM NOTE: Designate a number of NPC enemy sol-
Location: Shukuba
diers the PC(s) are to defeat before this conflict is
The orders to return to the Kushihara District has over. Use the Kazashi soldier as characters. The
come. The remaining Kushihara troops are in good GM may also employ the rules for creating NPC Fac-
tions, Gangs, and Groups to assist in creating the
spirits because they are excited about returning home soldiers that need to be terminated during this quest.
to their families. Most of the camp is packed away.
The PC(s) are gathering their belongings outside the PART 4 “And for Your Bravery”
Waki-honjin when suddenly there is a ruckus near Location: Kushihara Castle
the front of the Shukuba. The enemy has been defeated as Kushihara elimi-
nate the remaining offenders who are in and around
Several Kushihara soldiers are at the front gate the castle. Nahiroshi looks proudly at his group of
arguing. A few soldiers from another Kushihara soldiers, and conscripts who have recently assisted.
camp are delivering news to this camp, and call for NAOHIROSHI
You [all] have exhibited the traits of a Kushihara
PART 1a. “You’re the Boss, Boss” Samurai warrior on countless occasions. If this is the
lifestyle that you chose, join us in our plight for tran-
Location: Shukuba quility. The road of a Samurai is a grueling test of
The Kushihara soldiers tell Naohiroshi that his dedication, but if you so chose, you are granted per-
group is being summoned back to the Kushihara cas- mission to begin your journey with us.
tle for assistance. A large force is gathering outside GM NOTE: Rewards
of the Kushihara castle and are preparing to attack. -Experience Points= TBD
This force is disgruntled and feels as though the in- -Notoriety Points= TBD
terference from the Kushihara was biased.
-Ki Energy= TBD
NAOHIROSHI -Affiliation Points= 5
Well now men, it is time we go home to our families; -Money= $50
so that we may defend them. Do this in the honor of
the Kushihara, and the Emperor himself. -Kushihara student uniform