P. 32
Elder Quest PART 2 “Away We Go”
“In Honor and Death” Location: Kanagawa Prefecture
Requirements: Intermediate Level The group leaves Kushihara castle and is headed
NPC Characters of Contact to the Ashiban household, which is near the border of
Shizuoka. All members are on horseback. The ride
-Tsuo Tendo is pleasant , however, cloudy skies give way to a
-Thief (optional) heavy rain shower .
-Consigliere Fuji Kawaguchi The group continues to press through the down-
pour until the light of an inn in the far off distance
-Takumi Ashiban catches their eye.
-Ashiban Guards
PART 3 “The Weather Gets Rough”
Location: Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama
-Kushihara Castle
Now at the edge of the town the travelling group
-Ashiban Estate House is nearing a local Inn.
-Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama; 57° We will stop here and allow this weather to pass. Do
Summary not roam too far, for when it passes, we will resume
The great fighter Tsuo Tendo has a small dilem- our travels.
ma. His honor as a Samurai is being tested. Called GM NOTE: The PC(s) are free to explore the town
out by a young warrior in a nearby city, Tendo must until Tsuo Tendo is ready to leave. If the group
answer a duel. However, his intuition tells him that it
is a trap. He seeks the assistance of Kushihara Samu- should separate from Tuso Tendo during this time,
rai to protect him from interfering opposition on this the PC(s) must roll 1D4 on the chart below:
fateful journey.
PART 1 “Message in a Bottle” 1- Nothing Occurs
Location: Kushihara Castle 2- A thief attempts to steal items from the
As the PC(s) are making its way to the dining hall horses
within the Kushihara compound, they are stopped by 3- Challenged by a local Martial Artist
Tsuo Tendo, an elder in the Kushihara Samurai dojo.
4- Nothing Occurs
I have received a message from a man named Ta- Name: Thief
kumi Ashiban, a former member of the Kushihara Attributes: Belt Level: Yellow
who was exiled for lying to Daimyo Ghoda about the
true outcome of a mission. This despicable sub- HEA CAR PhB MOV AWA DEF STR STA STE
human was, at one point, my number one student. 117 5 4 1 1 1 2 2 4
He consistently blames his exile on me, yet those
who know the entire story know better. This fool has Techniques Ki Energy: 110
asked me to a duel, and in order to illicit the response
he wants, has been slandering my name in the street -Attack Heights: High -Non-Proj Tech: Proper Grip II
of Yokohama. I must go to his house and settle this
once and for all. I, however, feel that Takumi is go- -Attack Heights: Low -Non-Proj Tech: Horizontal
ing to have a trap waiting for me. That is why I need -Attack Heights: Medium Strike
you to accompany me. The duel itself is between -Special Tech: Jump -Non-Proj Tech: Vertical
myself and Takumi. However, I cannot allow him to Strike
have an unfair advantage. If you will travel with me, -Special Tech: Spin
as aids, I will reward you handsomely when we re-
GM NOTE: Should the PC(s) decide to go with Weapons: N/A
Tsuo, allow them an opportunity to gather supplies,
equipment, weapons and armor.