P. 34

PART 5     “Waiting”                                   PART 7      “Savior of the Day”

         Location: Ashiban Estate House                         Location: Ashiban Estate House

            Fuji Kawaguchi returns with drink orders on a          The PC(s) find Takumi Ashiban standing over an
         tray and sits with Tsuo Tendo and the PC(s) to talk.    incapacitated Tsuo Tendo.  They are looking at his
         He sits and pours himself a quick drink and shoots it.    back as he stands, holding a Kyouran No Maken.
         He offers a smile to the group, pours a second  drink   Two guards stand on either side of him.  Though he
         and drinks it again.  He then passes the drinks that   cannot be heard, he looks as though he is talking to
         people order to everyone in the group.                 Tsuo Tendo, giving him a few last words.

                        FUJI KAWAGUCHI                          GM NOTE: The PC(s) should attack Takumi Ashi-
         Heh heh!  The master will be home shortly.  Drink up   ban to save Tsuo Tendo before he is murdered.
                                                                   After a successful battle, Tsuo Tendo is slowoly
                           TSUO TENDO                           coming out of his fog.  He requires assistance to walk
           Ashiban and I have private matters to discuss.  Is   and puts arms over the shoulders of the characters
                 there an area for us when he returns?          who help him.

                        FUJI KAWAGUCHI
                                                                                  TSUO TENDO
           Oh, yes!  Most certainly Master Tendo.  You and
          Master will go to the rear of the compound, while I    Thank you so much Kushihara.  I was beginning to
              entertain your companions here in the front.        believe I would not see my beloved Ren. If not for
                                                                 you,   I Fear that that would have been my fate.  For
         GM NOTE: The potion takes effect immediately.               your efforts I will reward you handsomely.
         Use the poison chart to describe what each player is   GM NOTES: Rewards:
         feeling from the poison they’ve ingested.
                                                                   -Experience Points= TBD
            Fuji gives a quick glance over the PC(s) shoulder      -Points of Renown= TBD
         that Tsuo Tendo notices.  He also realizes that he is      -Ki Energy= TBD
         not feeling the same.  The group begins to feel the
         effects of poisons in their drink.  Some of the Kushi-     -Hansatsu= 350
         hara double over clutching their stomachs in anguish,      -Refined Katana   WGT  AtP  Rng  LiE  Mas  Vel  CoA
         some vomit, others pass out completely.  The PC(s)
         watch as Tsuo Tendo slumps over.  He is s till coher-                         .5  20  1  60  1      2   1
         ent, however, seems unable to move.
                                                                Status Effect: 1D4 Odds & Evens Bleeding Roll
         PART 6     “Ambushed”

         Location: Ashiban Estate House
            Takumi Ashiban comes into the room with
         1D6+2 men with him.  Tsuo Tendo has been poi-
         soned.  Two of Ashiban’s guards drag him away
         from the PC(s) as Takumi Ashiban follows behind
         them.  The rest of the guards stay with Fuji Kawagu-
         chi as he prepares to “entertain” the PC(s).
                        FUJI KAWAGUCHI
          How dare you come into the Ashiban home with the
           intent to kill our Master.  For that, you must die!
         GM NOTE: Battle ensues.  Characters have 1D20x5
         melee rounds to save Tsuo Tendo from Takumi Ashi-
         ban in their current state.                                                               Hyosuke Kushimoto

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