P. 52

Elder Quests                                              The group enters the main part of the town, and
                                                                follows the roads that lead them to the police station.
         “Brother’s Keeper”                                        The police station is surrounded on two sides by
                                                                other buildings, a Confectionary (stage right) and a
         Requirements: Intermediate Level                       Bakery (stage left).  Other buildings line the street.
         NPC Characters of Contact                              In front of the police station, fifteen well equipped
                                                                officers stands in force in anticipation of the
            -Shou Bishu
                                                                Uchitori’s arrival.  They all have suspicious looks on
            -Mirishiari Chikitoka                               their faces as the group approaches.
            -Tosa Police Officers                                                  SHOU BISHU

            -Uchitori Ninja Prisoner                             I need one of you to come inside with me, while the
                                                                 rest of you remain outside.  We may have to negoti-
            -Tailor                                               ate terms so I will need someone with the highest
                                                                              ability to accompany me.
                                                                GM NOTE: Ask all party members to announce
            -Kochi Police Station
                                                                their PhB attribute stat combined with any attribute
            -Kochi Inn                                          modifiers.  The highest is to go inside with Shou

            -Kochi Luxury House                                 Bishu.  In the event of an attribute tie, Add a 1D4 roll
                                                                until a highest is determined.
                                                                PART 2a  “Inside”
            -Kochi Prefecture, Tosa
         Summary                                                Location: Kochi Prefecture, Tosa

            An Uchitori ninja has been captured.  Shou                  Just inside the police station Shou Bishu
         Bishu, and a band of others, have been dispatched to   pauses and leans over to whisper to the PC.
         investigate how their brother arrested and possibly                       SHOU BISHU
         punished by death.  Shou Bishu has a feeling that
         something is not right and the situation is bigger than   I can’t believe I’m inside a police station, voluntarily.
         what it seems.                                            Ahead of the group, a short, waifish, disgruntled
                                                                man is staring intently at them.  Shou Bishu mutters
         PART 1     “A Ride Through Town”                       something under his breath and walks toward the

         Location: Kochi Prefecture, Tosa                       man.  Before the two get to him the man steps for-
                                                                ward and points aggressively at Shou Bishu.  His
            The group finds themselves in a convoy of eight     shirt sleeve is torn and he quickly hides it with his
         people on horseback heading south.  Several yards in   over coat.
         front of them, atop a high hill, is the small town of
         Tosa of the prefecture Kochi.  This seems to be the                MIRISHIARI CHIKITOKA
         place of which the group is destined.  Along the         Your antics have finally caught up to you and the
         paved road, farm citizens of the town stop what they   Uchitori, Bishu Shou.  Your villain, is being charged
                                                                because he was found on the scene with blood on his
         are doing to acknowledge the riders as they pass.        hands and guilt in his eyes.  Burglary and murder
         Shou Bishu looks back at his crew noticing them in-    both punishable by death.  Maybe next time you will
         teracting with the citizens.                                   not target a pillar of our community.
                           SHOU BISHU                                              SHOU BISHU
         When we get inside Tosa, remain vigilant and do not    Chikitoka Mirishiari-san, the organization you speak
           interact with the officer.  We will have to keep a   of does not exist.  I assume that there has been a mis-
           watchful eye, because we are currently considered    understanding that can be cleared up.  The law allows
           enemies of the state for the crimes our brother has   me an opportunity to speak to my consort, I will take
                       recently been accused of.                               that now.  Thank you.

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