P. 53

Angrily, Mirishiari Chikitoka turns and leads       PART 2c. “Inside pt. II”
         Shou Bishu and the PC down a hallway to the cells.
                                                                Location: Kochi Prefecture, Tosa
         PART 2b. “Outside”
                                                                   Shou Bishu and (The PC name) have been ush-
         Location: Kochi Prefecture, Tosa                       ered to a room where they have been speaking to

            Outside, the rest of the group waits for Shou       their associate.  They sit at a table and are being
         Bishu and (PC’s name) to come out of the police sta-   closely watched by four armed Tosa Police Officers.
         tion.  The officers stare and whisper to each other    Shou Bishu has been talking to the prisoner for a few
         about the band of Uchitori Ninja.  Some chuckle and    minutes.   The officers have called an end to the
         use head motions to draw attention to different things   meeting, and grabbed the prisoner to take him back to
         about the group.  Finally, an officer calls out to them.   his cell.  He resists the officers causing a scuffle.  As
                                                                he fights, he calls out to Shou Bishu.
                      TOSA POLICE OFFICER
                                                                          UCHITORI NINJA PRISONER
         Hey, are you Ninja?  People say you can move faster
         than the eye can see.  They say you can blend into the   Don’t let them execute me!  I’m innocent!  I was tail-
                    shadows.  Can you do all that?                ing the real killer when he saw me!  We fought, I
                                                                 know something fell off of him!  I hit him and heard
         GM NOTE: If the PC(s) do not at least acknowledge      it fall to the floor and roll!  It flashed silver and round
         the officers he will approach them asking, “Did you     before it fell!  Go to the house and investigate!  Find
         hear me?”.                                               that piece and you will be on your ways to finding
                                                                             out who actually did this!
            The officer and four of his associates walk toward
         the Uchitori group with a sort of intimidating swag-      As the prisoner yells to Shou Bishu, the prisoner
         ger.  The rest of the officers walk inside the police   is dragged past the door.  It shuts behind him and he
         station.                                               can be heard screaming that he is innocent.
                      TOSA POLICE OFFICER                       PART 2d. “Outside pt. II”

         You’re hear for that guy that killed our Tarento aren’t   Location: Kochi Prefecture, Tosa
          you?  Heh Heh, your “Friend” is in a lot of trouble.
          Probably going to be executed for what he’s done.        Outside the police station the others are being ap-
          Do you know if he was alone?  Did you all help him    proached by the Kochi Officers.  The officers have
            out in any way, is that how you are here so fast?   spread apart to surround the group in a half circle.
            The officers eyes quickly glance toward the roof-   GM NOTE: Should a fight ensue allow the skirmish
         tops of the surrounding buildings then back to the     to occur until you advance to the next part.  The of-
                                                                ficers will use non-lethal methods.
         GM NOTE: Should the PC(s) want to know what’s
         on the rooftop they will need to perform an Aware-     PART 3     “The Mission”
         ness Test.  Successful Tests will reveal six archers   Location: Kochi Prefecture, Tosa
         hiding.                                                                   SHOU BISHU
            He then takes an aggressive step forward.                                  Stop!
                                                                   Shou Bishu stands in the doorway of the police
                 TOSA POLICE OFFICER (Cont’d)
                                                                station.  His call halts the activity.  Shou Bishu walks
         I think we should bring you in for questioning.  How
         can we be sure you weren’t there assisting him.  Ma-   toward his group of ninja.
         tsuyama is too far away for you to be here this quick-                    SHOU BISHU
           ly.  We haven’t had him in custody for very long.
            Why don’t you come with us without question?         In no way, shape or reason should you be trying to
                                                                   apprehend my men.  I order you to stand down.

                                                                   Just then, a panting Mirishiari Chikitoka runs out
                                                                of the police station and stops a few feet in front of
                                                                the doorway.  Shou Bishu ignores Mirishiari Chikito-

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