P. 79

Character Profile                                                     Quirks
                                                                           1-_Asthma_                         ____________________
     NAME (First)_Ran________ NAME (Last)_Ogata_____ GENDER: M_
                                                                           Effect: -3 STR, -4 CAR, -1 STE_________________
     AGE:_11_ WEIGHT:_120_ HEIGHT:_5’2” PERSONALITY: Idealist__ ______
                                                                           2-_Self Doubt________                       ____________
     REGION:_Ehime, Shikoku________ AFFILIATION:_Uchitori______ /_N/A Pts
                                                                           Effect:_-1 to rolls using projectiles_______________
     FAVORITE FOOD:_Karaage__________________________ +_5_ Health Points

     Character Attributes                          Bonus /      Martial Arts Discipline
                                                 Hindrance      NAME: Ninjutsu_________________________________________
     HEALTH POINTS           120
                                                                WHITE:_55/55_         BROWN:145/145         5th BLACK:___/___
     CARRY POINTS             5                  +_4_/-_4_      YELLOW:_100/100   RED:185/185          6th BLACK:___/___

     PHYSICAL BEAUTY POINTS                 8     +__/-__       ORANGE:115/115    1st BLACK:225/225     7th BLACK:___/___

     MOVEMENT POINTS               5              +__/-__       GREEN:195/195        2nd BLACK:200/200    8th BLACK:___/___
                                                                BLUE:255/255           3rd BLACK:300/300    9th BLACK:___/___
     AWARENESS POINTS              5              +__/-__
                                                                PURPLE:_70/70        4thBLACK:___/___      MASTER:____/____
     DEFENSIVE POINTS             8               +__/-__

     STRENGTH POINTS  4                           +__/-__       Possession List

     STAMINA POINTS             8                +__/-_3_      1._Custom Hood, Cape and Mask w/ Uchitori Feathers_ Qty.:__1__

      STEALTH POINTS            6                +__/-_1_      Bonus: N/A____________________________________________
                                                               2._Mayonaka (hollowed teddy bear to hold poisons)___ Qty.:__1__
     Ki ENERGY:_990 __________________  Bonus:+_______
                                                               Bonus: +4 to Carry Points__________________________________
                                                               3._Extreme Poison of  Death, “Shinigami’s Tears”_____ Qty.:__2__
     Throwing Range:_9____        Bonus:+_______
                                                               Bonus:_-80 HEA_________________________________________
     Animal 1                    TRAINING                      4._Extreme Poison of  Blundering, “The Equalizer”____ Qty.:__3__

     KIND:__________________     OBD PTS EARNED:_______
                                                               Bonus:_-40 HEA, -1 SA, -1 AWA___________________________
                                                               5._Extreme Poison of Limitation,_________________ Qty.:___3__
     HEA:_____  CAR:_____  STR:_____  DEF:_____  STA:_____
     MOV:_____  STE:_____  AWA:_____  OBD:_____                Bonus:_-2 MOV lasting 1D8 melee rounds, -2 STE lasting 1D8
                                                               melee rounds____________________________________________
     Animal 2                    TRAINING
                                                                Points & CURRENCY
     KIND:_________________      OBD PTS EARNED:_______
                                                               HANSATSU:_752_____________ EXP. POINTS:_1,675_   _____
                                                               POINTS OF REKNOWN:
     HEA:_____  CAR:_____  STR:_____  DEF:_____  STA:_____
     MOV:_____  STE:_____  AWA:_____  OBD:_____                Fame:___870,671____________  Notoriety: 1,002,060__________

     Mystic Abilities           Ran Ogata is the sickly ninja of the Uchitori who is
                                rarely seen.  Often causing unnecessary problems due
     -High Jump______________   to his illness, Ran wonders if he truly belongs with the
     -____________ ___________  ninja clan that has accepted him as a brother.  Fearful
                                that his illness will cause harm to his family, Ran elects
     -_______________________   to stay in solitude.  While on missions, Ran believes
     -_______________________   that his illness will cause his family to one day, turn
                                against him.

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