P. 74
How to Play Uchitori NPCs naka is because Ran Ogata is weak and needs com-
Menta Keshinato forting. However, few are able to witness the genius
of this ninja warrior and live to tell of it.
Menta Keshinato is the persuasive Grand Master
of the Uchitori Ninja Clan. His mission is to find Osamu Korai
children orphaned, stolen or otherwise, and convert Osamu Korai is a rare find in the Uchitori Ninja
them into ninja. Menta Kushinato has his ear to the Clan. He is an arrogant, boisterous, fun-loving
noise of the human trafficking underground and uses young ninja. Osamu thrives for the thrill of a mission
this knowledge to find most of his potential student and enjoys showcasing his skill despite his lack of
body. Menta is respected by his force and has condi- experience. When matters become serious, however,
tioned them to always follow and protect him. Osamu becomes much more focused and serious to
Menta Kushinato understands his strengths, and achieve a positive outcome.
knows he is not the strongest person around. There- Osamu Korai loves being underestimated. Any
fore, he relies on his ability to hide in the shadows, opportunity to showcase his ability over another is
and attack unsuspecting foes with critical and fatal welcomed by him. He is often chosen to protect
attacks as quickly as possible then slip back into the Menta Keshinato and fulfills this duty flawlessly. As
darkness unnoticed. one of the stronger ninjas in the clan, Osamu Korai
enjoys overwhelming opponents with repeated crush-
Kokoro Yatome
ing Power Attacks or uses his ability of Stealth to de-
Kokoro Yatome is an angry young man with in- liver fatal or critical strikes.
tense feelings and relentless attitude. His vendetta
against society for what was allowed to happen to his Shou Bishu
family burns forever within. His token mask is his Shou Bishu is a ninja with abilities far beyond his
insignia “Oni No Ha” mask is a symbol of his anger age and experience. Some consider the ninja a “freak
toward the world. Kokoro Yatome is most loyal to of nature’. His size, speed, agility, and cunning make
Menta Keshinato who found him and trained him in him more than a challenge. He is a physical speci-
the art of Ninjitsu and has given his life to the Birds men of which has never been seen. Shou Bishu en-
of Flight. joys the challenge of competition more than most and
Kokoro Yatome is fearless fighter who will face can often been seen in the thresholds of a tournament
anything head-on should it stand in the way of his often taking him away from the confines of the
direction or challenge the Uchitori Ninja Clan. Ko- Uchitori compound.
koro will use attacks from above, utilizing his Mystic Despite his probable size and strength advantage
Arts to gain an advantage over an enemy. Shou Bishu attacks from the shadows. Using Mystic
Ran Ogata Arts, such as “Hidden” or “Conceal” Shou casts terri-
fyingly large shadows to invoke fear in a target.
Ran Ogata is a sinister chemist with a dark mind. When the target’s defenses are compromised, Shou
Born with several physical defects, Ran Ogata was Bishu will use his natural ability to administer quick,
found crying at the bottom of a waterfall after being powerful attacks to finish a target.
discarded by his father and brought to the secret loca-
tion of the Uchitori Ninja Clan. Though the grueling
physical training of Uchitori made him feel helpless,
his ability to mix ingredients gave Ran a sense of
purpose. Now the ninja Ogata Ran has learned to
level the playing field and has identified an incredi-
bly special mixture, “Shinigami’s Tears” that he uses
against the most challenging opponents.
Ran Ogata is quick-witted and understands his
deficiencies. Often feigning on his weak, Ran lures
opponents into a sense of false superiority before
striking. Everything he uses is coated in a poison,
that way, should he lose a weapon, a would-be oppo-
nent retrieving them unexpectantly experiences some
dastardly effect. Ran keeps his precious teddy bear,
“Mayonaka” stocked full of various poisons, and of-
ten coats his Kunai with them before throwing them
at targets. Many Uchitori Ninja, such as Kokoro
Yatome, believe Ran’s reliance on carrying Mayo- Uchitori Ninja Clan Head Elders