P. 69

ta Keshinato is looking out the window with his           The creepy, old, Merchant pulls open the heavy
         hands held politely behind his back as the ninja who   double doors of his large chest one at a time, and
         remembered and stated the password file in and take    peers devilishly at the group.  A strange dark mist
         a seat on the floor.  When the rustling of the meetings   oozes out of the case revealing several unused sword
         attendees stops, Menta Keshinato turns to address his   weapons.
         audience.  Osamu Korai quickly takes a knee where         The Merchant slowly waves his hand over his
         he stands just before Menta Keshinato begins.          merchandise collecting the dark mist into his sleeve,

                       MENTA KESHINATO                          and does not break eye contact with the group.  A
          Do you know why the Uchitori have such a misun-       sneer curls across his lips as his eyes entice the group
           derstood reputation?  Because we give people the     to look.
          truth, and sometimes the truth is a hard pill to swal-
           low.  Often the truth ruins plans of men, and men    GM NOTE: If the PC(s) do not agree to shop the
           who plan create lies to hide the truth and advance   Merchant’s merchandise, do not allow them to know
                            their agenda.                       what the salesman has to offer.

         If you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch      TRAVELING MERCHANT ITEMS
          its cub.  Kure Hajime is taking his oath to be sworn
          in as the Daimyo of a newly developed province in     ITEMS                        QTY.  PRICE
         Okinawa Miyazaki outside of Miyakanajo tomorrow
         morning.  This ascension cannot happen.  Hajime is a   •  Rare Tanto                     3   415 Hansatsu
          notorious criminal involved in major crimes of brib-   Weight  AtP  Rng  LiE  Mas  Vel  CoA
            ery, arson and extortion of the local authorities.
         These crimes against his own people he used to climb      1    7   0   15   1   2   1
          the ranks toward a higher status.  After ruining the   •  Exqusite Ninjato              2   790 Hansatsu
         lives of others who should’ve potentially become the
          Daimyo, Hajime-san would bribe the authorities to      Weight  AtP  Rng  LiE  Mas  Vel  CoA
           remove his name from the original reports.  These       1    20   1   15   1   2   1
          original police reports still exist, however, they are
              stored in the police station he now controls.     •  Refined Wakizashi              2   220 Hansatsu
          Our mission is to break into that police station, steal   Weight  AtP  Rng  LiE  Mas  Vel  CoA
         the reports, and replace the Diamyo oath with the re-     .8   15   0   15   1   2   1
          ports so that they will be read aloud to his constitu-
         ents and expose him for the terror he truly is.  Gather   •  Rare Kusarigama             2   450 Hansatsu
          your gear and meet me at the gate.  Uchitori Korai     Weight  AtP  Rng  LiE  Mas  Vel  CoA
           will be leading this mission.  We will fly tonight.
                                                                   1    10   3   20   2   2   1
         GM NOTE: The PC(s) should gather the equipment
         they feel is necessary to be successful on this mission.     •  Refined Nunchaku           2   220Hansatsu
                                                                 Weight  AtP  Rng  LiE  Mas  Vel  CoA
         PART 4     “Sale of A Lifetime”                           1    6   1   25   2   2   2

         Location: Open Waters between Ehime and Okinawa        •  Refined Kusari-fundo           1   215 Hansatsu
            The group has made its way to the Ehime docks        Weight  AtP  Rng  LiE  Mas  Vel  CoA
         and has boarded a ship that is sailing to the island of   .8   5   1   20   2   2   2
         Okinawa and docking in Oita, the target city of the    •  Knockout Gas                   3   35 Hansatsu
         Uchitori Ninja.  On board the ship is a travelling mer-

         chant.  He is starring at the PC(s) with a look of mis-  GM NOTE:  If the PC(s) do not engage with the
         chief in his eyes.                                     Traveling Merchant, read the following:
                    TRAVELLING MERCHANT                                    TRAVELLING MERCHANT
          You look like you could use something to help you       Of course you’re not interested in regular blades,
          on your journey.  I have things that eyes have rarely     your skill requires something more… unique.
                   seen.  Have a look at my wears.
                                                                   The Merchant reaches into the chest and lifts the
                                                                base panels under the basic weapons.  More black

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